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Hi beautiful human and welcome to this book!

Before we get started I just have a couple of things to say:

First of all, I would like to make a short disclaimer. In no way, shape or form am I implying Harry or any of the other characters I use in this book are like this in real life. These are purely fictional personalities and storylines that I came up with myself. I am simply using the appearances and names as characters and hints of what I see of these boys online since I don't know them personally. I have come up with all of these ideas, plots, characters and storylines myself so please try your best not to comment referring to other books.

Second of all, this book will contain very coarse language and will involve a lot of triggering topics. On a lot of the hard-hitting chapters with a lot of detail I will most likely put a trigger warning at the beginning but if you are easily triggered this book is definitely not for you and I would recommend finding something less intense. There are plenty more options than this one.

Thirdly, this story does get better as you go through and my writing improves the more you read. When I first started this book I was still new to the whole thing and I was just getting the hang of things. The more you read the more things make sense and the better the wording gets. Please be patient and bear with me.

Lastly, if you have any feedback or constructive criticism please don't hesitate to comment on any of the chapters. As long as your comments are meaningful and aren't just you whining about how you don't like what direction the story is going or how bad the story is then you are welcome to comment as much as you would like. Voting for each chapter helps me a lot and maybe you could even sharing this story with a few of your friends if you do end up liking it.

All that being said, I really hope you enjoy this book. Let's get this show on the road!


I have always wondered what life would be like if I was a regular teenage girl. Not having to worry about someone wanting to have a gun to my head at all times. Not having to have someone standing right outside every door with guns hidden in their jackets. Not walking around my house with a strong stench of drugs and alcohol filling the air. 

Yes, having my father be the leader of one of the biggest drug cartels came with a few too many downsides but believe it or not, it had its benefits as well. See, growing up I've only ever stayed in one house. This one place that I could call my home. We lived in Pasto, Columbia, one of the most drug-related places in the world. I never had to go to a school, my parents taught me everything I needed to know and the things that needed to be learnt because of "legal reasons" I did in an online school. My father taught me self-defence and all about the cartel world we had been thrown into. My mother taught me things about our family history, why it was important for us to live the way we do and the most important thing to her, how to be a good wife for the father of my children when I am older. 

My parents taught me things I needed in everyday life. Although they taught me everything I needed, I wasn't all that close to them. My father was constantly out of town trying to drive his rivals away from our home. My mother on the other hand was always here working on the dirty side of the business. Things like how to ship large loads of drugs without the police catching them or how much money needed to be paid to each man depending on the effort they put in. 

My little sister, Sofia, was the only person I was even remotely close to in my family. My Abuela was always cooking or cleaning, preoccupying herself with anything and everything, and I never knew my Abuelo. My family had always been involved with crime. Even before my sister and I were born, my parents were robbing banks, homes and stores all around South America. 

My grandparents were involved in multiple gangs and robberies. Our entire lives have been about crime and how to get past the law. Right now, that was one of the things my mother and I were discussing.

"But mama, if Sofia goes to school there is a chance that you and papa will get caught," I say to her as we look through the hundreds of papers on our kitchen table.

"Mija we are not doing this right now. We have other matters to discuss." My mother scolds me abruptly.

"Like what?" I ask her.

"Let me get your father and sister first, we need to discuss this as a family." She says and walks out of the room. Weird. We never had to talk about things as a family unless it was extremely important. No longer than 10 minutes later, we were all seated around the table, my mother's papers still spread across it.

"Why are we here?" my sister questioned as she shuffled in her seat.

"We have matters to discuss." My father says sternly.

"Well obviously, what are they?" I ask, growing impatient. The tension in the air made me nervous.

"Listen, girls, your father has some very cruel people after him at the moment and we don't know how to stop them at this point in time." My mother begins to explain, "There are in fact multiple people looking for us at the moment because well quite frankly your father is known for his crimes, without being caught."

"Mama we know this already, please get to the point," I roll my eyes. What were they getting at?

"Mija, my point is you're both moving out." She says quite sternly. My breath hitched in my throat. This was the last thin I expected to hear today.

"What? What do you mean we're moving out? Why only us?" I ask her, a confused expression painted on my face.

"You're going to college wherever you please and you will study whatever you chose. Sofia, you will be living with Tia Natalia in Belem, Brazil." My father explains and I sat there in disbelief.

"How come she gets to go wherever and do whatever and I'm stuck with Tia Natalia? That's bullshit!" my sister raised her voice causing my father to snap.

"Do not raise your voice at me young lady and watch that mouth of yours!" he yells at her, "Your sister is older and can do more things, you know this. Get over it and be grateful for what you have!" he storms out leaving my sister, my mother and I in silence. I knew he would have an outburst whenever we retaliated so I just shut my mouth.

"Girls, it's late. I suggest you head to bed and we will discuss this in the morning." My mother sighed and with that, she followed behind my father.

"This is bullshit," I heard Sofia mumble under her breath as she walked away and into her room. I sat there. Not moving. Just thinking. 

Thinking about every moment I've had in this house. The good. The bad. The moments that meant the most to me and even the moments that meant absolutely nothing. I grew up in this house. Everything I owned and everything I need to survive is right here in my home. I knew one day I would have to move out, but I didn't expect it to be so soon. 

I thought about every argument between my parents and I. I thought about every moment I have had with my sister. From when she was born in this very house to the last few minutes when she sat beside me. I have always lived with my family and didn't plan to move out until I was 20 because I never thought I would need to. 

Guess I am two years early. Where would I go? What would I study? This was all too stressful to think about in one night. I shook my head, trying to somehow rid the thoughts clouding my brain as I stood up. I walked to my room and threw myself onto my bed. I glanced over at my alarm clock that was on my bedside table. 12:30 am. Fabulous. I didn't bother changing out of my leggings and t-shirt as I rolled over and buried myself under the sheets.

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