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Lana's POV

Two episodes of me drooling over Spencer Reid later, Harry had finished making the cupcakes with Willow. Once he let them cool down he and Willow made blue icing and decorated them with sprinkles. They made a complete mess but once I went to help, Harry insisted he did it all himself since he was the one who made the mess.

Harry said he had some work to do so I let him go upstairs and into his little office area to work whilst I kept Willow busy downstairs. Niall and Louis had left to go get groceries after I wrote down a list of essentials that I knew we needed in the house. Willow ended up playing with some toys the boys had bought her about a week ago as I watched random channels on the tv.

Suddenly my phone started ringing from the armchair beside me. I picked it up to see an unknown number and my eyebrows furrow. I had no clue who it could've been. I hesitate before clicking the answer button.

"Hello?" I say cautiously. There was silence on the other end for a brief moment before I heard the sound of breathing.

"Hi Lana," I heard the voice say and my entire body froze. I went completely still, not even breathing. I was in shock. I was scared.

"W-what do you want?" I say quietly, my voice trembling.

"Oh baby I want you," I heard them say and I screwed my eyes shut.

"No do not call me that," I demand and they sighed loudly.

"Oh sweetheart you are in no position to be telling me what to do. You see I can see directly where you are right now. Sitting in front of the tv, your cousin in front of you minding her business. Harry's upstairs doing work and neither Niall or Louis are here right now," he says and I feel my blood run cold. How the fuck did he know all of that?

"H-how did y-"

"I've been watching you babycakes. For the past two months I've been watching," he says and I feel my anxiety rise more each second. I knew it was him the day in the city. I knew I wasn't crazy.

"W-what do you want f-from me?" I shake in fear, not even wanting to be here right now. I was terrified and I couldn't do anything about it.

"You aren't going to tell anyone about this. If you tell anyone about our conversations, then I won't hesitate to put a bullet through your cousin and your precious little boyfriends head. Got it baby?" he says and I literally curl into a ball on the couch.

"Every time you see this number you pick up or I torment you and your little family more and more. You don't tell anyone. Talk to you soon sweetheart," he says and the line goes dead. I was frozen in fear. I couldn't move. I couldn't speak.

He was back.


There's a plot twist for ya!

I'm sorry this is literally the shortest chapter I've ever written but it didn't feel right to add it into the previous or the next chapter so here's a little something to keep you intrested.

Who do you think called Lana?

What do you think they want?

Hope you're all doing swell and keeping up to date with the boys.

*thankful nose boop*

safe - h.s (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now