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It had been over a week since Harry and I's day off together which meant there was one more week until Thanksgiving break. My family and I never celebrated thanksgiving and I don't exactly know why but it just wasn't something we did.

My mother however had managed to harass me about coming home for the 3 days we do get off even though we don't celebrate. It confused me because she said we still wouldn't be celebrating but she 'just wanted to see her baby'. Complete bullshit if you ask me, but regardless I promised I would go because well in all honesty, I wanted to see my grandma again.

I was not excited to see either of my parents because being away from them for so long has made me realize that I hate them more than I noticed. It made me realize how much better I am without them.

Being stuck in the same place you got sick isn't going to make you get better, if anything it will make you feel worse. Growing up in the same house for 18 years, the same house my dad hit me in, the same house my mother screamed at me for absurd things, the same house I felt so alone and trapped in just made me hate not only myself, but my entire life more.

It has made me realize I'd rather stay in this dorm with Harry and Willow forever if that meant I didn't have to go back home, but it wasn't that easy. I had a thanksgiving break as well as Christmas break in another month.

I had been tidying up my room whilst Harry cooked us all pasta for dinner when I heard a knock at the door. I wasn't expecting anyone and neither was Harry so I didn't know who was here at this time. I walked out of my bedroom to see Harry looking into the peephole. I went to ask who it was when he turned around, pressing his index finger to his lips telling me to be quiet.

Something was wrong. Something was really fucking wrong.

Harry pointed to Willow then pointed to his bedroom and I immediately knew he wanted me to hide in his cupboard with Willow. I started to panic but now wasn't the time to let my anxiety get the better of me. As I quietly but quickly made my way over to Willow the knock at the door got a bit louder, making me jump.

"Willow sweetheart you need to come with me and I need you to be silent okay?" I say as quiet as I could manage. Willow looked up at me, confused and completely lost as to what was going on. I let the tv on as I picked Willow up and placed her on my hip.

Harry flailed his arm around telling me to hurry up and lock ourselves in the bedroom but I paused outside of the bedroom door. I looked at him with pleading eyes, scared for anything that could happen if he opened that door.

He quickly walked over to Willow and I, placing his lips on mine. He pulled away and placed his hand on the back of Willow's head, kissing her forehead gently.

"Promise me it'll all be okay," I whisper desperately and he looks at me, almost looking in pain.

"I don't ever make promises baby. Especially ones I know could break," he says softly before bringing a gun from his waistband and placed it in my hand. I looked at him in shock but just then, the lock on the door had been shot at and I freaked out. Harry pushed both Willow and I in his room and I locked the door behind us.

I quickly scrambled into the small closet in the corner holding Willow closed to me who had now started crying. Once I got inside the small space I closed the cupboard door and hushed Willow the best I could. All that was heard outside of the bedroom was screaming and things being broken.

There had to be more than one guy out there. I hear gunshots go off and I flinched, hugging Willows sobbing body closer to me. My anxiety was through the roof and it took everything in me not to break down. A few tears fell out of my eyes but I remained as silent as I could as the loud sounds of men yelling and glass being shattered progressively got worse.

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