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I woke up to the sun shining on my face. I groaned and went to move but a realized I was laying on something warm. It was Harry. I was laying on his bare chest as I was only clothed in his shirt and my underwear.

"Morning princess," I heard Harry's raspy voice say and I turned my head to look up at him.

"Morning," I mumble, still not fully awake yet. He chuckles at my sleepiness. I'm sure he had been awake for quite a while but didn't want to get up because it would wake me.

"Your father said we can go back to the dorm anytime from tomorrow," he informed me and I hummed closing my eyes again, not wanting to wake up too much yet. Harry then noticed my lack of movement and sighed.

"You know we have to get up at some point," he mumbled before moving his hand to my hair, stroking it lightly. I smiled lightly at the feeling. I hated it when people touched my hair or any part of me for that matter, but with Harry it was different. Everything was just different with him.

"Do we really have to?" I whine and he chuckles beneath me.

"Yes, we have to. Its almost 10 am," he informs me and I groan.

"But I don't wanna get out of bed," I whine even more. I knew I sounded childish but I was tired. Can you blame a girl for being tired after the night I just had?

"You don't have to but I do," he informs me and when he tried to move I just grip him tighter causing him to sigh.

"Baby I have to get up," he says softly and I whine once again.

"But I wanna cuddle," I say as I open my eyes once again to look up at him. He looks down at me and I look at him with puppy dog eyes and small pout.

"Of for fucks sake don't do that you know I can't resist it," he groans and I smile innocently.

"That's the whole point agent," I say cheekily. The tiredness was beginning to wear off but I still didn't want to leave the bed and I still wanted him to cuddle me. He sighed before snuggling back down into the sheets, earning a satisfied hum from me.

"Five more minutes," he says lowly and I huff.

"Thirty," I challenge and he rolls his eyes.


"Forty," I say even more annoyingly.

"The best you're gonna get is fifteen. Take it or I'm leaving now," he says firmly and I roll my eyes before sighing.

"Fine fifteen it is," I say giving in and he leaves a small kiss on my forehead making me smile brightly. It was the simple things he did. When he held me that little bit closer or left the smallest peck on my skin. Every little thing he did infatuate me even more and although I punched myself mentally every time I got more attached, I let myself fall for him more. 

I didn't want to hold back with him. I knew damn fucking well this would end in an absolute nightmare but yet I didn't care because right now all that mattered was him. He consumed every part of me. Whether he intended to or not is a whole other story.

Every time he touched me, sexually or not, I was a crumbling mess inside. He would do so much as look at me and my stomach turned into a gymnasium. I hated that he made me so nervous because being nervous made me feel weak. I despised feeling weak or small. He didn't do it intentionally, at least I think he didn't. The only reason he was intimidating was because he always put up such a cold front. He had no emotion around others but when he was inside the dorm or his house he was the sweetest man I've ever met.

I was well aware the only reason he had to not let anyone see his emotions was it intimidated them and kept them away from me. If there wasn't a six-foot-tall guy, who looked as if he was gonna kill you if you did so much as look at him, beside me at all times then I would've been kidnapped and probably dead by now. He had to put up and act because it was simply a part of his job and soon just became natural to him.

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