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The rest of the day was spent doing absolutely nothing. It felt good to have a day off. We laid in bed all day and the only time we left was to get food or check up on Louis and Niall. Louis sent a few questioning looks but Niall minded his business and I was very grateful for that. Harry had decided that it would be a good opportunity to cuddle and kiss me every other minute of the day but honestly, I didn't mind it at all.

It was strange to me how he had done such a 180 in such a short amount of time. When I first met him he was so closed off and demanding. I thought I would never break down the walls he built up but I didn't have to even do much because he let them down himself. Of course, I still didn't know I whole lot about him but there was also a lot he didn't know about me. It would take us both a lot of time to adjust to something like this and we were both fully aware of that.

"Agent?" I mumble into his chest as we continued to watch friends on his laptop.

"Yeah?" he answers lazily.

"Can you tell me about your sister?" I asked him and I heard him stop breathing for a short moment. He paused the episode and slid the laptop off his lap.

"What about her?" he asks and I shrug.

"Anything. Maybe what she looked like and her personality. Stuff like that. You don't have to tell me anything personal I just wanna know what she was like," I suggest. I hoped this could help him open up to me. Baby steps.

"Well, she had long brown hair and really pretty dark brown eyes. She was very independent and out-going but my parents didn't like that about her. I used to be the same but they ended up just shutting me down hence I am always a fucking grump," he says as if he is taking a dig at himself. I turn around and face him.

"You're not a grump Harry. You aren't exactly the happiest person on earth but I like you just the way you are," I assure him and a small smile falls across his lips.

"You're adorable you know that?" he says and I blush.

"How old is she?" I ask him, brushing off his previous statement. I can never take compliments.

"Uh she is three years older than me so 29 I guess?" he says as more of a question. I widen my eyes as I realized something.

"Didn't you say she moved out when you were 7?" I asked and he nodded.

"That means she would've been 10. How did she move out so young?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"She went with her best friend and their family. Her friend's parents knew how much she hated living with us so they took her away and eventually we lost contact with her. I actually begged her to take me with her but her friend's parents said no. She didn't want to leave me but I told her not to stay," he explained to me and my heart ached for him. You could see the hurt behind his eyes in every word he spoke about her. He missed her. I could tell he did.

"Do you have any good memories from when she was around?" I asked him and he looked around the room in thought.

"I have one," he stated.

"Could I hear it please?" I say softly. I didn't want to force him to tell me anything but I wanted to know more about him. I wanted to know why he is the way he is.

"When I was 5 we went to a playground near my house. It was the first time we had ever been out of the house together without my parents. When we got there she put me on the swings and pushed me so high I felt like I was flying. We stayed there for about three hours before my dad found us and dragged us back to the house. It's the only fun memory I have with her," he trails off at the end and I heard his voice waver a bit, but he coughed to cover up the pain.

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