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It was now Thursday day and Willow begged Harry to sleep in my bed with us again the night before. She has grown very attached to him these past couple of days and I think he is just as attached, if not more than her.

I was sat on the couch watching tv with Willow whilst Harry was working in his room. He said he needed some peace and quiet for about an hour or so and I gave him the space to work on whatever he needed to do. I didn't ask what he was doing because it was his business and I never felt the need to snoop around unless I thought something was up.

I was scrolling through my phone when there was a knock at the door and I didn't bother getting up because I knew Harry would want to answer it before I did. My heart fell out my ass when I heard the front door open and it wasn't Harry who spoke.

"Hi!" Willow said cheerfully as she stood next to the door and I panicked. I whipped around and I couldn't see who was on the other side of the door so my anxiety only rose.

"Willow shut the door!" I say loudly and she turns around frowning.

"Why?" she asks and I quite literally jump over the couch before I run-up to her. I pick her up and pull her away from the door, closing it quickly not even bothering to see who was standing on the other side right now.

"Willow don't you ever do that again!" I say loudly when I crouch down to meet her eye level and she flinches. I heard Harry's door open and his heavy footsteps.

"What's going on?" he asks and I look up to him.

"She opened the door without my permission and wouldn't close it," I tell him and he sighs angrily.

"Who was it?" he asks and I shrug.

"I closed it before I could even look," I told him and he nods.

"Princess do you know why you can't open the door unless we tell you?" Harry asks and she shakes her head instantly. Fuck, I think I scared her.

"Sweetheart there is dangerous people after Lana and if you open the door without our permission the bad guys could be the ones on the other side. We don't want bad guys here do we?" he asks her and she shakes her head again.

"I'm sorry if I scared you Wills, I just panicked. Please don't do that again alright bug?" I say softly trying to make her more at ease and she nods her head sadly.

"I'm sorry Laylay," she mumbles and my face softens.

"It's alright sweetie just don't do it again," I tell her softly and she nods. There was a knock at the door and I jumped, completely forgetting that the person was still on the other side.

Harry walked up to the door and looked in the peephole. His shoulders relaxed and I was about to ask him who it was when he opened the door.

"Wow, I really thought we got the wrong dorm when a five-year-old answered the door," I heard the person say and I roll my eyes.

"Thanks for slamming the door on our faces by the way sweetheart," I heard the other one say and I looked up seeing the familiar faces.

"Sorry I panicked," I shrugged and they both smiled shaking their heads.

"What are you guys doing here?" Harry asks.

"I don't know we felt like seeing you again,"

"Louis you know you're not even meant to be in the girl's dorm building past 6 right?" I say standing up and Willow shuffles to stand behind me.

"Meh you think they really gone kick my sexy ass out?" he says walking past Harry and into the dorm room.

"I know I would," Niall grumbles as he follows behind him.

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