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I was right.

As the day went on the weight that pressured my whole body got worse. My mind focused less on my homework as it faded into blank spaces of sadness.

Harry offered to make dinner and I didn't oppose to it since I wanted to get my essay done tonight. He was currently in the kitchen cooking whatever he chose because I told him to "surprise me". I sat in my bedroom, the door closed over but a small crack was left for Willow to come in whenever she pleased.

That's exactly what she is deciding to do right now.

"Laylay," she whines as she walks into my room. She scrabbles over to my bed and flops onto it as I giggle at her.

"Yes Wills?" I ask her and she lets out a little groan.

"I'm hungry," she whines loudly and I smile at her.

"Bug Harry is in the kitchen making us dinner right now. You can wait a little bit longer for food," I tell her as I go back to typing on my laptop.

"But I want food now," she whines as she crawls over to me and sits down right against my side.

"Well you're gonna have to wait till Harry is finished cooking," I tell her and she groans some more. And some more. Then even more. This continues for about another 10 minutes before I sigh, being fed up with her whining.

"Willow dinner is almost ready. Stop whining, be a big girl and wait for your dinner like everyone else does," I tell her and she huffs before throwing her head into my pillows. I roll my eyes before I continue with my homework. Willow sat beside me as she stared at my laptop, trying to decipher what I was doing since she couldn't read the writing and only knew the colors looked cool.

"Willow can you come here please?" I heard Harry call from the kitchen and my eyebrows furrowed at why he only asked Willow to come.

"Coming!" she says as loudly as her little voice could manage as she scrambled off the bed and made her way out of my room. I decided not to pay any attention to it and focused back on my work. I didn't know why I couldn't focus but I knew I was so close to finishing the essay that I wanted to get it done tonight so it would be out of the way. I heard small murmurs from the kitchen but I chose to ignore them because I knew they were both talking absolute nonsense.

A few seconds later, I heard small feet quickly make their way to my door with larger ones following closely behind and I lifted my head to see Willow walking into my room holding a glass of some sort of juice. She trotted in and wobbled her way over to my bedside table, placing the drink down with focus smeared across her face. I gave her a confused look but I heard a knock from my doorway and I turned my attention to see Harry standing in my doorway holding a plate in his left hand and cutlery in the other.

"We made you dinner!" Willow says cheerfully as she crawls onto my bed, sitting beside me again. My eyebrows furrow together as I look between her and Harry.

"What?" I managed to squeak out. I thought Harry was making dinner for us all. I'm so confused.

"Well I made dinner for all of us but I thought you would want to eat in here whilst you finish your work. You've been doing it all day and you seemed quite stressed love," Harry says as he walks over to where Willow was previously standing and placed the plate on the bedside table.

"Harry you didn't have t-"

"I didn't have to but I wanted to," he says cutting me off but not in a rude manner. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at how god damn sweet he could be.

"You guys could come in here and eat if you want? I need to get this essay done but it would be nice to have some company for a while," I shrug and Willow jumps off the bed.

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