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Quick A/N about this chapter:

I'm aware that there is nowhere like this near New York but I kind of just made it up as I went along and I wanted there to be an element of spontaneous adventure so I came up with this. Please don't say anything like "there's nothing like that near NY" or "this is unrealistic" because I'm already aware. Luckily this isn't meant to be a realistic book, it is purely fictional.

Okay that's all you lovely people enjoy this chapter xx


Lana's POV

After spending an hour at the small café Harry insisted on taking me ice-skating. I hadn't ice skated since I was really little and I was quite nervous that I would fall on my ass but Harry assured me he would catch me.

I was slipping on the skates we had gotten when Harry stood up, already ready to get on the ice.

"Agent you need to calm the fuck down," I say rolling my eyes as I tightened the straps on my skates.

"You need to be more excited angel," he sassed back and I sighed as I finished getting my boots comfortable. I placed my hands on the bench preparing myself to stand.

"Sorry I don't wanna break my ankles like you do," I say sarcastically making Harry let out a light chuckle. He held out his right hand for me to grab and I hesitated before grabbing it. He pulled me up from the seat and it took me a moment to find my balance before we started walking towards the ice.

Harry got on the ice with ease and I was standing on the sidelines, not quite prepared to get on the ice yet. Last time I went ice skating I injured my wrist falling onto the ice and I wasn't exactly prepared to do that again. Harry easily did a quick lap around the rink as I looked at him in awe. Who knew scary bodyguard could skate so delicately?

"Are you gonna join me or are you gonna stand there like a deer in headlights?" he says with a smirk and I sighed.

"Can you help me? I'd rather not fall face first and crack my head open," I joke but in reality, I didn't exactly want that right now. He let out a soft chuckle and skated over to the opening holding his hands out for me to grab.

I hesitated before gripping both his hands which were surprisingly warm despite the cold air around us. I placed my left foot on the ice before I slowly placed my right foot on the ice, slipping a bit but I quickly regained my posture.

"You alright love?" Harry said quietly and I nodded, focusing my stare on my feet. He started moving backward in order for me to be able to hold his hands as is skated forward. I slowly started gaining a bit of speed and he chuckled at how careful I was being.

"How are you going backwards right now?" I mumbled, my eyes still on both our feet.

"Practice makes perfect angel," he shrugs and I was about to reply when my right foot slipped a little too far backward. I squealed expecting to hit the cold ice but instead, I found a pair of arms around me, holding me upright.

"Okay, how the fuck didn't you fall on your ass then?" I asked as I look up to his face and he chuckled as I gained my posture again, tightly gripping his hands.

"As I said practice makes perfect," he says and I shake my head.

"I'm gonna need a lot of it," I say with a smirk and he nods his head.

"Well you're actually skating really well right now because you're not paying attention," he says and I look down to see I was in fact skating pretty good. I then slipped a little bit and Harry once again caught me, letting out a small laugh.

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