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Harrys POV

"I just want to be happy," she mumbles against my chest and I felt a wave of coldness hit me. I didn't know what it was but her saying that made me feel different. I didn't know what the emotion was because I actually didn't know what many of the emotions I felt were half the time.

We sat there for a couple of minutes, not saying or doing anything. Thoughts consumed my head and I tried hard to push them away but I couldn't. 

The problem was that there were too many to even figure out what half of them were saying. Most of it was about angel and others were about my parents. Some about my sister and even Niall and Louis.

I could usually block them out but right now there was no stopping them and I hated it. I hated when emotions and thoughts consumed me because it meant I didn't have control. I despised not having control of something. It made me feel weak and vulnerable. I absolutely loathed it.

A knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts before it opened and my lips curled into a smile as an automatic response.

"Someone was getting restless and wanted to see you both again," Louis says walking into the bedroom as he held Willow on his hip. Willow jumped out of his arms and flew onto the bed, landing with a delicate thud. 

She crawled over to both angel and I before wrapping her small arms around the both of us the best she could. Angel chuckled into my chest and a small smile was on my lips.

It wasn't normal for me to smile this much. I don't know how or why but being around my girls made me smile. They didn't even have to say or do anything, they could both sit there with their big doe eyes and I would smile at them because that's just what they did to me.

Smiling made me feel weak and vulnerable but with them, I didn't even care. Even around Louis and Niall, I tried not to smile but I just didn't seem to care when it came to my princesses. They had some sort of effect on me and it fucking scared me honestly.

"Bug it's been like ten minutes," Angel said with a faint smile on her lips and Willow pouted.

"But I missed you," she said in her adorable baby voice and I couldn't help but chuckle at her. I never liked kids. I didn't think I ever would like kids but Willow seemed different to every other kid I've met. 

Mind you I haven't met many because I try to keep as much distance as possible with them but regardless, Willow was a good egg.

She was very innocent and quiet despite everything going on around her. I mean her uncle was the leader of one of the biggest cartels in the world yet here she was playing chasey with me and trying to braid angel's hair. Willow was an extremely shy girl and I didn't understand why until she told us that her father was abusive.

The topic isn't something new to me at all, but the fact that my little princess was ever put through that makes my blood boil. I wanted to kill her father for the pain that he caused her, even if it didn't damage her too much it would still affect her for the rest of her life.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt a pair of small arms around my neck. I realized Willow had moved to stand on her knees beside me so she could wrap her arms around me properly. I moved my left arm to hug her back as she pushed her head further into my neck.

"You alright princess?" I asked as soft as I could manage, which was nothing compared to angel's voice but I tried. Willow only shook her head in response and my eyebrows furrowed as I looked between both angel and Louis as if to ask what was wrong. To my dismay, they both shrugged with a confused look.

"What's up buttercup?" I say light-heartedly, in hopes to make her smile.

"I'm sad," she mumbled into my neck and my shoulders dropped a little. I slid my right arm out from around angel's waist and placed it on Willows back so I could hug her properly before moving her to sit on my lap properly.

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