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Harry's POV

Angel had been sat there the past hour, not moving or saying anything. I was still stressing like a fucking mad-man without my shirt on but that was the least of my worries.

I was fucking scared that Willow wouldn't be okay. The doctors barely explained anything as they rolled her away and I needed to know if she was okay. Louis and Niall had been trying to get angel to snap out of her trance for the past half an hour but she sat there, staring straight ahead. She was too in her head to listen right now.

I sighed as I walked over to her and crouched in front of her, holding onto her knees for support. I was right in the line of her vision but she was looking straight through me.

"Angel can you look at me please?" I say softly and she doesn't move. Her eyes were glued in the same place and her body stayed still.

"Baby I need you right now alright? Come on just say something," I plead as I move my left thumb in circles on her leg.

"Please just say something," I whisper and she blinks as her eyes lock with mine.

"It's my fault," she says so quietly I almost didn't hear. My eyebrows immediately furrow and I look at her like she's crazy.

"What? No, no love this isn't your fault," I tell her and she just shakes her head.

"I-it's my fault," she mumbles and I shake my head instantly.

"Baby it is not your fault okay. You didn't know she would fall. If anything it was my fault because I wasn't watching her when I should have been," I try to convince her but I can tell she doesn't believe me. I don't understand how this could be her fault at all.

She was on the phone and wasn't paying attention. Willow was my responsibility whilst she was busy so it is my fault she got hurt. I should've been more careful.

"Where is she?" I heard the voice say behind me and I immediately tensed. Angel's head lifted at the sound and her breathing became quick. I quickly stood up from in front of angel and turned to face them. Niall and Louis stood up beside me as well.

"Mija what the hell were you thinking?" Her mother spat at her and I couldn't help but cringe.

"First of all you say outrages things to your mother and ignore us for a month. Then you let your cousin get injured. What has gotten into you?" her father said stepping closer.

"With all due respect sir, this was not her fault," I say sternly but not invasive enough to make him angry. As much as I wanted to hurt him or yell at him, it would only lead him to kill me and leave angel alone with some stranger. No fucking thanks.

"Like hell it wasn't her fault! Willow is her responsibility and she should not have let this happen," her mother said bitterly and I bit down on the inside of my cheek to stop myself from screaming at them.

I've always been an aggressive person but I couldn't do that with them. I couldn't yell at them and throw shit otherwise I would lose my job and most likely my life.

"Sir I was responsible for Willow in that moment. We were at the park and Lana stepped away to talk to someone on the phone. I should have been watching Willow," I explain, trying my hardest to take the blame off of angel and more onto me.

"Non-sense Harry. Don't take the fall for my excuse of a daughter. This was her fault," her mother said disapprovingly and I didn't know how to respond without cracking her arm in half so I decided to not speak and continue to bite the inside of my cheek more.

"Sir, I do not mean to intrude but I agree with Harry. This was not her fault," Louis says beside me as Niall nods and angel's mother's eyebrows furrowed.

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