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My eyes snapped open and I flinched away from Harry. I turned my head to where the voice had come from and my eyes nearly fell out of my head when I saw who was standing there.

"Guys I can explain," Harry begins but he was cut off.

"Explain what Harry? Your fucking our boss's daughter?" Louis said loudly and I flinched. I hated screaming. I always had. It made my skin crawl and my ears ring. It made me want to crawl in a hole and never leave it.

"I'm not fu-" Harry was cut off once again.

"Bullshit mate! We saw you two seconds ago shoving your fucking tongue down her throat," Niall said angrily. I felt weak. I felt small. I didn't like it here. I hated it.

"I wasn't shoving my tongue down her throat you dipshit," Harry said and his voice raised slightly but I could tell he was trying not to lose his temper.

"You're really gonna throw your entire reputation away in this cartel just so you can get some action from the boss's daughter?" Louis shouts even louder and my heart is beating rapidly against my chest.

"Are you trying to prove something Harry? Are you trying to prove you can get to anyone and anything if you want to? Are you trying to show us that you can have whatever the fuck you want?" Niall says and I feel a pang of hurt go through me.

Was Harry just using me? Was he just making up everything so he could finally get me in bed? He didn't seem like the type of person he was but I couldn't help but think about it. I seemed to be wrong about people in the past, maybe Harry was no different.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Are you serious right now guys? You think I would just throw my fucking life out to window so I could prove a fucking point?" Harry yells back at them, finally losing his cool he once remained. I slowly inched away from him and I brought my knees to my chest. I couldn't speak. I couldn't do anything. I felt my chest tighten as I tried to control my breathing.

"Well I don't fucking know when it comes to you anymore Harry!" Niall screams and I felt tears sting my eyes. No. Not now. Please any time but now.

"I was comforting her!" Harry yells and I hear one of the boy's scoff.

"You don't comfort your boss's daughter by kissing her and cuddling on the couch Harry," Louis said his loud voice booming in the room. My lungs felt like they had lost all hope of catching any air and my throat tightened.

"She isn't just our fucking boss's daughter to me okay Louis? She is much fucking more than that and I don't expect you to ever understand," Harry yells and I gasp for air as if I'd just come up from under water. All of their head turned towards me in confusion but once Harry realized what was happening, he scrambled over to me and worry took over his expressions.

"Hey it's okay princess don't cry you're okay," he whispered and I fell the tears roll down my cheeks. I hated this. I hated everything about this. The yelling. The fighting. The constant pain in my chest. I hated the tears that streamed down my face as I tried to gasp for any bit of air I could get.

"Baby please don't cry you're gonna be okay," Harry said softly as he wrapped his arms around my shaking body. He clearly didn't care about the two boys who were in the room with us anymore and neither did I.

"Listen to me princess we're gonna count together okay. Just like we did last time," he said softly and I nodded my head as I felt the tears fall down my cheeks even more. He started counting from one to ten and I breathed out each number with him.

"You're okay baby, it's okay," he whispered as he kissed the top of my head and my breathing had gotten to a reasonable pace but the tears didn't stop flowing. At least I felt something.

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