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"We are gonna go to IKEA to get furniture," Harry says and I snap out of my trance. I nod and he walked away from the door, probably getting his things. I had been sitting at the end of the bed for about half an hour, staring at the ground to process everything that was happening. 

I tried my best to stay calm but I always overthought. It was something that came with my anxiety and depression. Not many people knew about my mental illnesses but that could just be because I didn't know many people. I didn't have friends and I have never been close enough to my family to talk about my struggles freely. 

I stood up and walked out to the kitchen to grab my bag and noticed Harry was already at the front door. He didn't have his bag with him but I assumed he just had things he needed overnight. We left the dorm and I locked the door behind me. 

We made our way down the hall and I noticed more girls staring at Harry. They would giggle or do a light cough to try to catch his attention but it never worked. His face was emotionless and cold as girls my age tried hopelessly to get some sort of attention, even just a glance. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes but I couldn't hold it in when I saw a girl had walked in front of him to get his full attention. He looked at her with a blank expression, clearly just wanting to leave.

"Hi I'm Maddison but you can call me Mads," she says biting her lip, trying way too hard to be seductive. I rolled my eyes and sighed loudly, already fed up with her behaviour.

"Can I help you?" she says noticing my presence.

"Yeah you can fuck off," I say lowly, being on edge for some reason. As soon as I said that her face fell and looked shocked. I saw out the corner of my eye Harry's mouth move into a slight smirk before his face fell into an unimpressed expression again.

"Who do you think you are?" she asks me, clearly offended.

"Someone you don't wanna fuck with," I say shortly before pushing past her and walking away. I realised what I had just done and I was rather proud of myself. I didn't care if people thought I was rude, she got in my way and I didn't want to deal with anyone's shit today. I was tired,my anxiety was high and I had the patience of a toddler. 

I exited the building and heard Harry's footsteps close behind me. We walked over to his black SUV and I waited for him to unlock it. As he walked around the front of the car to reach his side, he noticed I was standing there without moving.

"It's open," he mumbled and I felt a blush rise to my cheeks again.

"Oh," I said quietly before pulling the handle and discovering it, in fact, was open. I quickly slid in and Harry followed shortly after. We both closed our doors and he started the car. He put the G.P.S to the nearest IKEA and then started our drive. 

I looked at the time on the corner of the screen in the car and it read 9 am. It had already been two hours since we left Harry's? It was about a 15-minute drive to the nearest IKEA due to the heavy traffic. Once we parked the car we made our way inside the store. 

There were quite a few people inside but since it was still quite early it wasn't as busy as it probably usually would've been. I looked up at Harry wondering where we would head next. We quickly looked at the map of the store before Harry started making his way to where ever we needed to go. 

After about 3 minutes of wandering around like lost puppies, we arrived at the couch area. I realised we would need a small couch, a coffee table and some stalls for the small bar in the kitchen. I noticed there was a simple black velvet couch that ideally seated two people but it was big enough for three people to sit in. I looked over at Harry and saw he was wandering around, barely even looking at the couches themselves.

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