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We finished the second movie and by then it was almost 5. I decided to just wear the sweatpants and shirt I threw on because I didn't need to dress up for Hannah, no matter how much she dressed up she wouldn't judge me for what I wear. It was a couple of minutes past four when there was a knock at the door. I jumped up and ran to the door, checking it was her in the peephole before opening the door.

"Lana!" she squealed as she ran into my arms, giving me a tight hug.

"Hi Hannah," I laugh out as I hug her back. She pulls away and catches sight on Willow on the couch who was peering over to see who I was talking to.

"And who might you be?" Hannah said softly.

"I'm Willow," she grinned making Hannah chuckle.

"Hi Willow. I'm Hannah," Hannah says and Willow nods before turning back around, going back to the coloring book I found in her things.

"Hi Harry," Hannah said cheerfully noticing Harry seated beside Willow. Hannah really was just a bundle of joy.

"Hey," Harry said simply, surprisingly not sounding rude.

"So how have you been the past week?" I asked Hannah and she turned her attention towards me. We sat down on the bar stools as she began to talk.

"Well a bit hectic honestly," she said and I nodded. You and me both hun.

"Care to explain?" I asked and she nodded.

"So you remember my girlfriend Kina right?" she asks and I nod.

"Okay so basically I thought she cheated on me with Dom. You know the guy with dark hair? Anyways, turns out she didn't cheat and I was being paranoid but then I found out Dom did cheat on Anna with some random chick at the party. Then Anna cheated on Dom the day after with a guy she met online. Neither of them knew until like Wednesday so they broke up," she explains and my eyes get wider with every word she says.

"So like Max, Kina and I don't really want anything to do with them because you know we all hate cheaters. At the same time, they are like our closest friends and we love them to death but now that they've broken up shit will get awkward if they don't like each other," she further explains and I nod.

"Well you can still be friends with them if you want but I don't think it would be a good idea to hang out as a group until they resolve things. You know what I mean?" I say and she nods instantly.

"So anything going on in your life? Why'd you have to leave for like a week?" she asks.

"Long or short version?" I ask and she giggles before answering.

"I mean we have time so long version I guess," she answers and I nod. I then spend the next half an hour explaining how my father is the leader of a cartel and how we had to leave the dorm because ewe though someone would break in and kill me. I then explained why my cousin was staying with us and how it all came about.

"Wow you have a lot on your plate," she says in shock and I shrug.

"Sweetie that is just the tip of the iceberg," I joke and we both laugh. Except, I wasn't exactly joking but she didn't need to know that.

"Sorry to interrupt ladies but Lana your father said to call him later tonight," Harry says loudly and I look over at him.

"Did he say why?" I asked and Harry shook his head.

"No, but he said it's important," he explained and I nodded before turning my attention towards Hannah again.

"Anyways so how are things with you and Kina after the whole "I thought she was cheating but she wasn't" situation?" I asked Hannah and she giggled before answering me.

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