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That night we decided to make out own food. Well, Harry and I made food because Niall and Louis cannot cook for shit. I convinced them all to try my vegan spaghetti Bolognese and after practically shoving it down their throats, they actually enjoyed it.

We were now seated in the lounge room with a movie playing on the TV as we ate ice cream and talked about absolute nonsense.

"Do you remember when you brought me ice cream the day after the party?" I said turning to Harry. We were sitting on one of the bean bags Niall and Louis had bought whilst they both sat on the couch. I was laying in between his legs whilst my back rested against his stomach and chest.

"Yeah," he said with a smile, remembering the day.

"Why'd you storm out?" I asked confused and his smile dropped.

"Well uh, that day was when I realised something was going on between us and I tried to push myself away. Clearly, that didn't work," he explained and I smiled a little.

"I'm glad it didn't work," I say and a smirk falls onto his lips. I leave a quick kiss on his cheek before turning back around to face Niall and Louis.

"I hate how perfect you are for each other," Louis said rolling his eyes and I giggled at his statement.

"What do you mean?" I asked him and he gave me a look to say 'are you serious?'.

"Because Harry used to be all Mr Tough guy and always fucking grumpy. Then you came along and made him a pile of mush and he made you tougher. It's disgustingly cute," Louis explained and I laughed at his statement and I felt Harry's chest vibrate with a chuckle.

"Why don't either of you have girlfriends?" I asked them and they both shrugged.

"I never really felt the need to be tied down with one person. I usually just have a small fling and leave it at that," Louis explained and I nodded before Niall spoke.

"I would say the same but it's also because no chicks ever want to date someone who works in a cartel," Niall said with a small smirk and Louis chuckled.

"Aside from you clearly," Niall adds and I chuckle at his words.

"It wasn't a conscious decision! To my defence, I'm technically already in a cartel so this makes no difference to me," I say with a smile. Harry placed his bowl on the ground beside us before wrapping his arms around my stomach, pulling me closer to him.

"Boys do you remember that time when we were like 15, we went down to the train tracks and high-jacked that train?" Niall says with a smile and I heard both Harry and Louis chuckle. I was finishing off my ice cream as they talked.

"Or what about that time when we were like 17 and we decided it would be a good idea to rob a gas station?" Louis adds and I rolled my eyes. Of course they robbed a gas station at 17.

"Yeah I almost broke my fucking ankle that night," Harry snickered behind me and I smiled.

"How did you manage that?" I asked them.

"When we were running back to the car Harry tripped on a rock and fell flat on his face. Luckily he only sprained his ankle," Louis explain with an eye roll and I snickered a bit. I then realized I had finished my ice cream so I placed my bowl next to Harry's and leaned my head back so it was resting on his chest, just below his chin. He placed a small kiss on the top of my head before resting his chin on it.

It was moments like these I never wanted to forget. I'd grown to love Niall and Louis a lot more than I'll admit and now Harry was more affectionate than ever. The boys were bickering about memories they made over the years and I saw the genuine happiness on their faces when talking about it. I felt a little out of place only because I'd known Harry for a month and the other boys for not even a week. 

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