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I woke up to the soft sound of Billie Eilish's cover of hotline bling ringing from my phone, signalling it was time to get up. I had set that as my alarm because the regular sound made my head throb. I found my phone on charge on my beside table and quickly turned off the alarm. It was currently 7 am and I had 45 minutes before we needed to leave. 

I jumped up and out of bed fast as I could, which was not fast at all, and grabbed my towel, wrapping it around me. I swung the door open, almost hitting myself in the face before making my way to the bathroom. I stepped inside, turning on the light and fan before closing the door and locking it behind me. 

I placed my towel on the hook on the back of the door. I turned on the shower and as I waited for it to heat up, I slip my underwear off. Once I was satisfied with the temperature of the water, I hopped in. I relaxed as soon as the warm water touched my skin, loosening my tensed muscles. I spent about 10 minutes shampooing and conditioning my hair then another 5 minutes washing my body. 

Once I had finished I hopped out of the shower, drying my body as fast as possible and then drying my hair a little with it as well. My eyes widened when I realised I hadn't brought my clothes with me and I had to walk back to my room in only my towel. I stood there for a moment, praying that Harry hadn't left his room yet even though the chances were slim to none. I took a deep breath before wrapping the towel around my body tightly and picked up my underwear from the floor. 

I walked over to the door and unlocked it. I hesitated before opening the door and running to my room. I didn't even check to see if Harry was anywhere to be seen because before I knew it, I was standing behind the closed door of my bedroom. 

I let out a breath I wasn't even aware I was holding in before I locked the door and threw my towel onto my bed. I checked the clock and it read 7:15 meaning I had half an hour left. I picked out my outfit which consisted of my black combat boots, red plaid pants and a plain black t-shirt. I grabbed my denim jacket and threw it on my bed, ready for me to grab it when we were leaving. I applied some mascara and did my eyebrows a little but made them look natural. I grabbed my backpack that was placed on my floor and threw my laptop, books and other necessities for my next class before zipping it back up and swinging it over my shoulder. I grabbed my phone off charge and my jacket before swinging my bedroom door open. 

I grabbed my towel and threw it over the edge of the door before closing it over behind me. I threw my things onto the couch and looked over to the kitchen. Harry was seated at the bar eating toast whilst doing something on his phone. The noise of my belongings hitting the surface of the chair caught his attention, causing him to turn around and look at me. He didn't say anything, as per usual.

"Morning," I say trying to sound as happy I could. He gave me a slight glance before turning around and resuming his position. I rolled my eyes but I hadn't expected much different. I walked over to the kitchen and quickly made myself a bowl of cereal. I sat down on the couch and grabbed my phone out of my pocket to fiddle around with before we had to leave. I finished the bowl of cereal rather fast and I checked the time. It read 7:40 am and I decided to get up and place my bowl in the sink. I was about to sit back down on the couch but then I had an idea.

"Harry?" I said, trying to get his attention. He didn't move.

"Harry," I say more sternly. He still hadn't paid attention to me. I walked around the counter and stood directly next to him.

"Harry," I say once more and finally he moves his gaze from his phone to me. He didn't speak, he just looked at me. Even though he was shorter than me since he was sitting and I was standing, I still felt towered over with his presence. I pushed the nervousness aside and put my mind on track with what I had gotten his attention for.

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