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The only class I had today was chemistry and that wasn't until 1 pm, hence I slept in until 10. Once I got up I picked out a simple outfit and placed it on my bed. My bag had been packed the night before, ready for me to grab with ease. I decided to slip on some comfortable black booty shorts and a plain black jumper whilst I was still in the dorm. 

I fixed my hair slightly so it wasn't such a mess and made sure there were no remains of sleepiness on my face. I opened the door, not bothering to close it behind me. I looked up and noticed Harry was sitting at the bar once again, instead of on his phone he had his laptop out. The screen was dark so I couldn't quite see what he was doing but I didn't bother questioning it.

"Good morning," I say, the rasp in my voice evident.

"Morning," he says, his voice not as raspy showing he had been up for a while and I smiled to myself for finally getting a response. He was already dressed in his brown boots and black jeans but instead of a button-up, he wore a plain black V-neck t-shirt. I rounded the counter and grabbed the things I needed to make my breakfast.

"Do you want any pancakes?" I asked Harry, not bothering to turn to face him as I started making the mixture.

"Sure," he replied nonchalantly and I smile even more knowing he couldn't see my face. He was slowly starting to warm up to me and it gave me hope that we could get through this hell that was college together. 

Within 30 minutes I had made the batch of pancakes and I slid Harry's plate over to him. I placed the maple syrup on the counter and grabbed the lemon and sugar. I slid my plate over to where I would sit and placed the ingredients that I wanted on top of my pancakes in front of it. 

I walked around the counter and sat in my seat next to Harry. He had closed his laptop and placed it next to him, allowing space for his plate to sit in front of him. He grabbed the maple syrup and poured it over the pancakes as I grabbed the sugar. I sprinkled it over my pancakes and then grabbed the lemon, squeezing that on top of the sugar.

"Sugar and lemon?" Harry said, sounding confused at my choice of topping.

"Yeah? I've always had lemon and sugar on pancakes. Have you never tried it?" I say shocked at his words and he simply shakes his head no.

"You're trying it," I demand as I cut off a piece of my pancake, handing my fork to him. He gives me a questioning look.

"Just eat the damn pancake, Harry. It won't kill you," I say rolling my eyes. I swear I saw him smile the slightest bit before taking the fork and placing the pancake in his mouth. I hadn't thought about how he had just put his mouth onto my fork and I had to eat with it until he pulled it out of his mouth. I noticed the way his jaw moved as he chewed and the way his tongue poked through his lips to get the remaining sugar off of them. I snapped out of my thoughts when Harry handed the fork back to me and I noticed the surprised look on his face.

"Good right?" I say smirking at his reaction and he just nods slowly. I chuckle a little at his reaction before going back to eating my pancakes, pushing the thought of Harry's mouth on my fork aside. Once we finished Harry took our dishes and rinsed them off in the sink, earning a quiet thank you from me. I walked back into my room and checked the time. It was only 11 meaning I had about an hour and a half before we had to leave. 

I decided to connect my phone to my Bluetooth speaker and play some music. I put my everyday playlist on shuffle and the first song that played was 'Lost' by Frank Ocean. I decided to work on the homework I had been assigned to do by my American history teacher before I was interrupted by the sound of my phone getting a notification. I picked it up from beside me and read the text.


Turn it down.

I looked at my phone, confused.

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