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The rest of our day consisted of me attempting to do any work I could figure out, even with the mess that was my thoughts clouded my brain more than usual. Harry and Willow stuck by my side most of the day, only leaving the bedroom to get food or go to the bathroom. They occupied themselves with music, movies, drawing and anything they could think of that wouldn't distract me too much.

It was about 6 o'clock when my phone started ringing. We were all seated on the couch eating spaghetti I made earlier, deciding to take a break from my school work. I frowned when I picked up my phone and saw my mother's name on the screen. She never called unless it was extremely important.

"Who is it?" Harry's voice piped up and I turned to see a protective look on his face.

"It's my mum," I tell him and his face softens the slightest. I look back down at my phone before deciding what to do with it.

"Hello?" I say after I clicked the answer button and there was a brief pause before I heard my mother speak.

"Mija thank god you answered," she rushed and my brows immediately threaded together. I looked at Harry and he had a stern look plastered on his face.

"Mama, what's going on? Is everything okay?" I ask worried because I knew something was obviously up, I just wanted to know what.

"Where were you last night?" her sudden question baffled me and made me freeze. How could she have known where I was last night? Did Harry tell her? Did Louis and Niall somehow inform her?

"W-what?" I stammer out and she sighs on the other end of the line.

"You heard me Mija. Where were you last night?" she said more sternly and I panicked a little.

"What do you mean ma? I was at the dorm all night I-"

"Don't lie to me. I knew you left the dorm by yourself. Where did you go?" she interrupted me and I dropped my head, almost groaning. How the fuck did she find out?

"Ma how did you know I le-"

"That is none of your concern young lady. Dime dónde estabas!" [tell me where you were] she says more sternly with each word and as soon as she started speaking in Spanish I knew she was furious.

"I-I was just at the beach with some friends ma it wasn't a big deal," I say quietly and trying not to give her attitude because if I did, she would just get a hundred times more mad.

"Not a big deal? Mija you could've been hurt or worse. You could've been killed!" she shrieks and I roll my eyes.

"It's not like either of us care," I say, the words slipping past my lips before I could catch them.

"Excuse me young lady, I am your mother of course I care!" she exclaims and I scoff.

"You sure don't act like it," I mumble and now this time she was the one to scoff.

"I gave birth to you. I have given you shelter and food and love for the past 18 years. You do not get to act like a spoiled brat now that you're in college," she rambles and I sigh.

"Mama giving me shelter and food is what you signed up for when you became a mother. It's what parents do so don't hold it over my head. And as for the whole giving birth to me, I didn't ask you to. Shit, I barely even want to be alive but you don't have the time for what you call my "issues" that are depression and anxiety. If you did love me you would treat me better than this," I ramble and I felt a weight being lifted off of my chest after saying all that.

"Mija how dare yo-" I hung up the phone before she could even finish the sentence. I was so sick of her bullshit and I didn't want to talk to her. I didn't care how mad or annoyed she would be. She can be mad, it doesn't even compete with the number of times I've been mad at her but I hadn't let it out.

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