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It had been two days since I realized my mother drugged me that night and I couldn't stop thinking about it. That night it was easy for me to fall asleep because I didn't have Willow kicking me in her sleep every two seconds but the next night was harder.

I didn't get a second of sleep last night.

I stayed up the entire night just staring at the wall as Harry cuddled into my side and fell asleep peacefully. He woke up a few times trying to help me sleep but I couldn't. I was absolutely fucking exhausted in the morning. I tried to get up but my body just wouldn't allow me to leave the bed.

Willow seemed to have an amazing night's sleep as she ran out of the room squealing something about breakfast. That kid was always way too excited for breakfast.

"You can't lay in bed all day. It's better you get up now and go to sleep early," Harry says to me as he continues to shave in his bathroom and I lay face first into the pillow. I groan loudly snuggling into the warm sheets, not even wanting to leave the bed.

"What if I make you pancakes?" he asks and I groan in response once again earning a small chuckle from him. He finished shaving and made his way over to the bed where I tossed and turned.

"Come on baby," he whines and I whine right back at him, except I was too lazy to form a sentence so it came out as a string of mumbles.

Next thing I know, Harry jumps on top of me and knocks all the wind out of my lungs. I groan loudly as he laughs and I try shoving him off but he is far too big and I'm far too tired. I make a sobbing sound into the pillow and flail my arms around causing Harry to laugh even more.

"Get upppp," he whines loudly and I whine in the same tune back at him making him huff.

"Fine if you won't get up yourself I'll just make you," he says pushing himself off of me and shimmying of the bed.

A few seconds later, he grabs me by the waist and throws me over his shoulder. I sigh as he walks out of the bedroom and down the stairs. I was slightly worried he would fall down the stairs but he made it look easy as he carried me with one arm and supported me with the other.

My eyes close, adjusting to the sunlight pouring in through the windows as he holds me with a firm grip. Moments later, I am placed on the couch and Harry flops down next to me.

"I won't let you lie in bed all day anymore. We both know how it ends if that happens and as much as you will hate me for it we both know you're better off out here," Harry said firmly before standing up and leaving a kiss on the top of my head before walking over to the kitchen. I move my body to lay my feet across the lounge as Willow flops onto one of the beanbags.

"Where are Lou and Ni?" I asked as Harry began making something in the kitchen and he glanced at me briefly before answering.

"Lou is still asleep and Niall is at the store getting shit for around the house," he says and I nod even thought his attention wasn't towards me. I laid back down onto the couch as I looked up at the ceiling.

"Wait are they sleeping in the same bed or do you have separate beds in the office?" I asked, remembering that the boys moved into Harry's office to sleep instead of being woken up every day in the living room.

"I actually had two single beds in there but they ended up pushing them together because apparently there wasn't enough space around them," he said and I basically heard the smirk in his voice when he explained it as I chuckled.

"Or they just needed a cuddle buddy?" I say cheekily and Willow jumps up from the bean bag and runs over to me before jumping on my lap.

"Am I your cuddle buddy Laylay?" She asked curiously and I smiled at her.

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