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Hi quick little side note:

So I really like writing from Harry's POV because it kinda lets you see what he is thinking in each situation opposed to Lana's mess in her head. We know how Lana feels about Harry but we are yet to learn more about Harry and how he reacts to everything she does so I think from now on I'll write more povs from Harry.

Oki doki that's all beautiful people, enjoy this chapter xx


Harry's POV

For the first time since I was 10, I was scared.

I wasn't scared for myself or my own life. I was scared because I thought angel and Willow got hurt. I was absolutely fucking terrified that they had gotten injured or taken.

Thank god I called the police otherwise I would be dead and angel and Willow would probably be tortured right now. Instead, Willow is sleeping upstairs whilst Niall and Louis look after her and I'm sitting here holding angel as she stares blankly at the space in front of her.

The tv wasn't on. There was no noise in the house. It was quiet, the only sound being the crickets outside. I didn't want to say the wrong thing and hurt angel because she was in a fragile state. Anything I say could hurt her right now.

"Angel?" I whisper as I run my hand through her soft hair. My rings got caught for a moment but I managed to quickly untangle them from the curls. She still hadn't responded and my worrying only got worse.

I knew something would tip her over the edge soon but I didn't expect it to be this. I thought maybe a boy would break her heart again or a friendship would end. Maybe her mum yelled at her one more time and she would just break. I didn't think someone would break in, shoot me, and almost find Willow and angel in the cupboard to kill them.

She was probably scared shitless and I'm sure Willow had absolutely no idea what was happening. I just gave a gun to her and shoved her into the bedroom. It wasn't like I could do much else though. She had only learned very simple self-defense techniques for when she went out with friends in the future. I hadn't prepared her for multiple professional hitmen to break into our apartment and take her as well as Willow.

"Baby please say something," I whisper closer to her ear. I didn't know what to do in these situations. I wanted to make her smile. I wanted to hear her beautiful laugh, no matter how much she hated it I thought it was gorgeous. Just like everything else about her.

I heard footsteps come down the stairs but I didn't bother moving. I knew if either of the boys needed me they would come over here.

"Haz?" Niall said and I turned my head to see him standing at the end of the couch. I raised a questioning eyebrow at him.

"Willow is crying and she won't talk to us. She keeps saying she wants you," he tells me and I sigh.

"Baby I'm just gonna go check on Willow alright?" I say gently to angel and I try to move away from her but her grip on my t-shirt just gets tighter as she shakes her head. I couldn't leave her here but I needed to go check on Willow because she was most definitely traumatized from this.

"Do you wanna come with me? We can go up to my room and you can lay down in my bed. How does that sound?" I ask her, in hopes I could get her to move quickly enough. She hesitates for a moment before nodding. She hadn't spoken once, all the noise she had made in the past couple of hours were small sobs.

I slowly got off the couch and I held out my hand for her to grab. I was trying to be as gentle as possible and not startle her. Niall turned and made his way upstairs again, angel and I following closely behind.

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