Chapter 1 Chiken

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If you get an update from this story I just edited some parts of the chapter.
(edited: October 17, 2020)

Justin's POV

Im with Josh, Sejun, Stell and Ken. We're at our room we just finished performing. I changed into some fresh, new, clean, comfortable clothes and started scrolling at Instagram. Boredom got me so I decided to upload a photo of me.

Liked by keunsnsn and 1,590 othersofficialsb19 [#sb19justin] Hoooooooooo d

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Liked by keunsnsn and 1,590 others
officialsb19 [#sb19justin] Hoooooooooo d.

"Woahh you liked it like flash huh" I turned to Ken that was behind me and started laughing.
"Dont want it? I can take it back" said Ken whilst laughing.

Then some fans commented on my photo but I promised to myself that I will only reply to one.

Y/IG/N I love you jah! I'm a huge fan take rest and also the other members!

I'm so amazed at this girl kasi she's been following, supporting us and attending our concert. Of course I would remember her, she's always at our concert, tweeter, Instagram and facebook.

Y/IG/N I love you jah! I'm a huge fan take rest and also the other members!❤️
officialsb19 @Y/IG/N [sb19justin] aww thank you, you too 😊

Then I put my phone down because we're going to eat and as always its chicken.

184 words I'm so sorry because its too short Im busy at school activities.  Thanks for understanding. I promise that the next chapters were gonna be long. Idk if what should I call this chapter so I decided that it would be a chicken.

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