Chapter 21 Last Day At Beach

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Justin POV

I woke up and saw Y/N still sleeping. I bet she got tired crying I didnt want her to make cry. I got up and change into a swimwear.

"Hey. Aren't you gonna ask me to go with you" She said and got up.

"Im sorry. Im about to ask you but is it okay? Its like 4am" I asked her. I dont know why Im gonna take a swim.

"Its just time" She said and take her clothes off. I quickly look away.

"Y/N! Theres a bathroom you can change there" I said seriously. Then shes done changing.

"Its fine Its just us" She giggle.

"So is it also fine if other boy is here?" I asked her seriously.


I can feel that his getting mad.

"Im just kidding! Promise I wont do it again" I said and kiss him in his cheek. He turned red.

"Okay fine" Justin said and carry me in a bridal style.

"Were here" He said and put me down.

I pull him in the water and we splashed at each other. He hugged me and look me in the eyes. Then kiss me not in the cheek its in the lips. I kiss him back.

"I love you Y/N. Are you made of copper and tellurium? " Justin said smiling.

"I love you too Justin and why? " I said smiling.

"Because your so CUTE" He said and laugh.
"Awww~ I still love you" I laugh and hugged him.

I love him so much. We get out of the water and seat on the sand.

"Lets build a sand castle" I said and he nodded.

After a few hours we saw the others eating and Teacher Hongganda, my sister, Sejun and Justin were swimming.

"Guys look at this. This look so cute" Stell shouted and we all run to hin and see what he want to show.

"Awww~" They all said and me and Justin just laugh.

"Eyy send that to my IG. Ima upload it" Justin said and I just giggle.

"H-hey Y/N. Sorry t-to interrupt. But c-can we talk?" I looked behind me and it was Shaina. I smiled.

"Sure!" I smiled.

"Im coming with you" Justin said.

"No B. Its fine" I hold his hands.

"Dont worry Justin. I wont do anything to her. And I want to apologise to all of you. Im sorry everyone" Shaina apologies.

"Its okay. Just dont do it again. Okay?" Tatang said.

"Yes" Shaina said.

"Lets go?" Shaina said.

I follow her and now were at the small cafe. We seat and order.

"Y/N? Im so sorry for everything. Im really really sorry. I dont know what got into myself why I did all of those" Shaina said and I can see that she's crying.

"Its fine. Dont cry. I dont want to see you crying" I hold her hands.

"Im really sorry I hope you forgive me" She said wiping her tears.

"Of course I forgive you" I said smiling.

"Heres your order" The waitress said and put our orders on the table.

"So whats your relationship with Justin" Shaina said smirking.

I winded my eyes.

"No. Dont worry. I already have a boyfriend. His name is Luis. We met at the mall when I saw you" Shaina said laughing.

"Wow congratulations Shaina" I said smiling.

"So how about you?" Shaina said.

"Me and Justin were still dating" I said getting red.

"When you and Justin are now together! We can have double dates!" Shaina said laughing.

I just laugh and continue eating our orders. I miss this kind of Shaina.

Justin POV

We heard the door opens. Its Y/N.

"Ahh" Y/N sighed.

"How is it?" I asked her.

"Yeah how was it?" Teacher Hongganda said.

"Were now good. She apologise and she said that she already have a boyfriend. She met her at the mall when she saw us shopping" Y/N said smiling.

"Good" Ken said.

"Okay. Lets start packing" Tatang said.

"Okay" We all said.


I got to my room and so Justin. Some of his things was here.

"Good to know that you and Shaina are friends again" Justin said hugging my back.

"I know right" I looked at him and smile.

We started packing and now were at the car.

"I wonder what did you say to Shaina" I asked my sister.

"Oh yeah. I just said that you always cry at night thinking how to solve your problem" My sister said.

"Oh okay. By the way thank you" I said. I know that thats not what she said.

"Hey Stell? Send me the picture!" Justin said and I laugh.

"Oh yeah. Right" Stell said.

I got my phone and scroll to Instagram.

Liked by stell16_ and 27,563 othersJahdedios I will always choose you

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Liked by stell16_ and 27,563 others
Jahdedios I will always choose you.

Y/IG/N I will choose you forever!
Jahdedios @Y/IG/N ❤️

stell16_ Im so good at taking pictures😂
Jahdedios @stell16 you are👌

Jahjahjah I freakin support this two!
A'Tin77 You two look together!

Justin POV

I saw Y/N turn off her phone and she put her head on my shoulder. My heart starts to fall.

"Can I sleep here?" She asked me smiling.

"Of course" I said and smile. Then I fall asleep.

Yoyoyo! Heres Chapter 21 and hope  y'all liked it! >^<

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