Chapter 22 Jealous

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So right now I have a meet and greet with my fans and all of them is so kind also they got me presents.

"Hi How are you" I said at the fan.

"H-Hi I really love you! and Justin!" I looked at her and I can tell that she's nervous. I hold her hands.

"Dont get nervous I wont eat you or something Haha" I laugh.

"Thank you! Say Hello to Justin hihi" She said.

"Sure!" I smiled at her.

Finally were almost done. Theres 1 left fan. Im so tired.

"Hi! What's your name?" I said smiling.

"Hello! Im Matt" He said smiling.

"Oh your name sounds familiar" I said while signing the shirt he bought.

"Oh my gosh You dont remember me?" He said.

"Omg! Matt! From high school! I miss you so much! So how are you and Andy" We hold hands for 1 minute. His my High school friend and his gay.

"Yeah about that! Were still together and now we decided to adopt a child" He said happily.

"Awww congratulations!" I said smiling.

"Oh Heres a bracelet. Its just a simple gift and you and Justin stay strong! " He said smiling.

"Awwe~ thank you" I said and wear the bracelet.

"Thank you again" He said and smiled.

"Okay everyone! Hope you all had fun and I did not want to end this day but I have too. Thank you so much for coming and I love you guys!" I said smiling and the staff guides me backstage.

I was walking when I saw Justin.

"He-" I stopped.

"How about tomorrow?" I heard Justin said.

"Yeah sure lets meet tomorrow" I heard a girl voice.

I tried to peek and it was a pretty girl. Her voice is nice,her body is pretty. I started to compare myself and I saw the other girl he was talking to and its Shaina. I run through the bathroom and I saw Matt.

"Hey Girl! What happened? Tell me!" Matt said.

"I s-saw Justin talking t-to another g-girl and to Sh-aina" I said crying.

"Maybe they're friends. Stop crying" Matt tried comforting me.

Justin POV

Im talking at a model/fashion designer and  Shaina. Were meeting tomorrow so she can help me decide what dress should I gave at Y/N.


Now I was walking and I heard a sobbing voice. I peeked at rhe bathroom and it was Y/N crying and another guy confronting her.

I suddenly feel angry and hurt at the same time because the guy she was with was the guy she hold hands. I saw it at the fan meet earlier.


Now Im at our home. Earlier I move back at our home and Im with my sister now eating chocolates.

"Maybe thats his classmate" My sister said so calm.

"But why do they have to meet and what abour Shaina. I trusted her." I said crying.

"Uhh I dont know" My sister said and I just start eating chocolate non stop.

I heard my phone vibrated and I checked who is it. Of courses its Justin.

Hey you there?
Hey come on answer me.
Did I do anything wrong?

I turned off my phone and Justin keeps messaging me. Then he started calling me and my sister answered it.

"HEY! GIVE ME BACK MY PHONE!" I shouted and my sister is at the bathroom.

Justin POV

"Hey! Justin is there any problem?" I heard Y/N sister voice and also Y/N shouting.

"Wheres Y/N?? I need to talk to her" I asked her.

"Oh shes actually mad at you because she saw you talking with a pretty girl" Her sister said.

Oh shoot. I messed up. She saw it. Now I need to explain but its already night.

"Is it true? Didnt I tell you dont to hurt her" Shes sister said.

"It is true but I was about to surprise her. The girl I was talking to was a model/fashion designer. I want to give Y/N a dress and give it to her then go out with her then-" I got cut off.

"Okayokay stop explaining I'll help you! Okay bye Our bathroom door was about to break because of Y/N banging" Y/N sister said and end the call.

"That was a bad idea" Ken said.

"Now you have to explain it to Y/N personal" Sejun said.

"We'll help you" Josh said.

"Try calling her if she answers then start explaining" Stell said.


My sister finally opened the door and hand me my phone.

"What did you tell? Did you tell him that I saw him talking to pretty girl?" I asked her.

"Maybe?" She said and started laughing.

"Uggghhh!!" I said and go to my room. My phone keeps ringing its Justin.

"Stop calling me!" I said.

"Im gonna explain" Justin said.

"Explain what!?" I said and end the call.

I knew that he'll try to explain. But I wont buy what he will said so I power off my phone and sleep.

Justin POV

"Now you have to explain to her tomorrow" Josh said doing a Face palm.

"I know and I saw her earlier with anothey guy" I said.

"Take Shaina and Lilly with you so you have proof and we'll going to ask her tomorrow who that guy is" Sejun said.

"No dont ask her. How am I supposed to sleep now" I said.

Guys! Thank you so much for 3k reads and 100 votes! Im literally crying right now. And heres the Chapter 22 ❤️

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