Chapter 27 In Korea

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Im so happy! Im here in Korea and so my Bestfriend. I look at my sister who was finish doing a live. Teacher Hongganda was guiding us.

"Guys Im worried. Justin isn't answering my phone calls and my messages" I frown.

"They're busy of course" My sister said.

"Where do you guys wanna go?" Teacher Hongganda asked us.

"Well how about lets eat. Im kinda hungry" I laugh. They nodded.

Now we seat at a vacant table and ordered. On the other side of the table was a group of students. They all look so pretty and their skin is so-nah Im pretty too. Anyway Shaina was whispering in my ear.

"The waiter is so hot and cute at the same time" Shaina whisper.

"You know Shaina that we can hear you right?" Teacher Hong said.

"Need help? I can help you" My sister said.

"But we dont know how to understand or speak Korean  except Teacher Hongganda" Shaina said worried.

Then the waiter puts the food we ordered smiling at Shaina.

"No need. He can speak English" Teacher Hongganda said.

"Oh its you! Its been a long time since we saw each other" The waiter said.

"Oh right Im Joon Woo you can call me Joon and Im Teacher Hongganda student" Joon said.

I glance at Shaina who turned red.

"All right if you guys need anything just call me" Joon said.

"Yo you okay Shaina" I said laughing. And she laugh.

After eating we head to out room.

"Guys Im gonna go outside and take a night walk" I said.

"I'll go with you" Shaina said.

"How about we all go" My sister said laughing.

Its like 7:50pm. I wonder how Sb19 and the others are doing. Are they okay.

"Hey guys me and Teacher Hongganda just gonna buy chocolates" My sister said and we nodded.

Me and Shaina seat at a bench. I saw someone was walking towards to us.

"Oh its you Joon" Shaina said. I still can see her face getting red.

"Oh yeah and your from earlier" Joon said.

"Oh Im Shaina and this is Y/N we come here because she has a performance here in Korea" Shaina said.

"Cool" Joon said.

"Uh I have to buy candies" I said running through Teacher Hongganda and my sister.

I laugh and tell to Teacher Hongganda and my sister they took a picture of them sitting in the bench.

Shaina POV

I cant believe this is happening! Im alone with a guy! I mean with Joon. Its kinda fun talking with him. We talk about many stuff. After an hour were done. We exchanged numbers.

I saw Teacher Hongganda, Y/N and Y/N sister.

"You two seems had fun" Teacher Hongganda said.

"And You two take a 1 hour taking at each other" Y/N sister said.

"So did you get his number?" Y/N asked and I nodded.


Im so tired. I flopped in my bed and start thinking about Justin. I get my phone and call him but its only ringing. I message him.

Hey B. I miss you. I sorry if I keep calling. I just really miss you. I love you.

Then I fell asleep.

Witwiw your bestfriend just got a man! Hahaha. I'm also wondering how was Justin and also the others.

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