Chapter 8 Meeting SB19

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I woke up because of my sister screaming at me.


I quickly got up and start doing my morning routine. I wondered when my sister was being so supportive. My sister was doing my hair while im doing my make up. Well I dont wear too much make up, I hate make up. Im wearing a green jacket and white skater skirt and black sneakers.

"Done. And look its already 6:50"My sister said.

"Thanks for reminding me what time is it"I rolled my eyes and smiles.

We heard a knock on the door and my sister opened it and it was Tatang Robin and Teacher Hongganda. They we're smiling. Im so lucky I didn't have to commute.

"You look pretty lets go! SB19 are waiting" Tatang Robin said happily.

"Sure!" I replied smiling.

"Bye!" I goodbye at my sister who was waving her hand.

Now we're at the car and it was silent. And im smiling because im excited. After 1hr Teacher Hongganda break the silence.

"We're here! Follow us " Teacher Hongganda claps her hand and I nodded.

We were walking and many staff were greeting us. Im smiling also nervous.

"Be here and we will introduce you to the SB19" Tatang Robin said.

"Yes" I replied nervous. Then Teacher Hongganda held my hand and smiled.

"Okay Good morning SB19! We will now introduce the new trainee!" Teacher Hongganda said cheerfully.

I hear Stell and Justin screaming. I laughed.

"Pls welcome Y/N!" Tatang Robin said and opened the door.

"Hello" I said looking down shyly.

"Get in the Zone! Break we are SB19" They introduced their selves.

"Do shake hands" Tatang Robin said.

"And dont be shy looked at their handsome face" Teacher Hongganda said and smiled.

"HAHAHA We already know that Teacher Hongganda" SB19 laughed.

"So whats your name again?" Justin asked me shyly and I get more red.

"Im Y/N nice to meet you" I looked at them smiling with red face.

"Wait your the girl who got viral and had rumours about Justin!" Stell said while shaking my hands and pushing Justin.

"Uhh yes hihi" I said laughing.

"Okay we'll leave now we'll give you time to know each other" Teacher Hongganda said and they both left.

"So what should we do?" I asked them.

"Justin, she's asking what should we do?" Josh said tickling Justin.

I covered my mouth and silently laughed.

"How about lets eat!" Ken suggested.

"Yeahyeah Im kinda hungry, Lets order Pizza, How about you Y/N? " Justin said jumping. I just giggled.

"Anything's fine Haha" I replied.

"Okay! If you say so" They all said smiling.

While im here sitting smiling like crazy at them.

So Heres Chapter 8 Im sorry for updating late. Im having a hard time thinking what should I do to the next Chapter I hope y'all liked it! STAN SB19!

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