Chapter 34 Too Hot

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I woke up and look beside me. Weird Justin is not here. I got up and get ready.

 Hmmm this ones cute

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Hmmm this ones cute. I should wear this. First I need to find Justin. I saw my sister I decided to ask her wheres Justin.

"Hey. Have you seen Justin?" I asked her.

"Uhh nope" She said and look back at her cellphone.

I look behind me and I saw Sejun.

"Sejun have you seen Justin?" I asked him.

"Oh yes! His at his room" Sejun said.

"Thank you!" I smiled at him.

I went to Justin's room. Of course I knocked.

"Come in" Justin said.

I burst into tears because Im laughing so hard.

"W-why are you dressed like that B-WHAHAHAHAH" I asked him still laughing

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"W-why are you dressed like that B-WHAHAHAHAH" I asked him still laughing.

"I need to upload something on Instagram" He said laughing.

"Well you made me worried and please change its so hot. Look" I said and get a tissue I wiped his sweat.

"Why Baby?. Am I already hot?" He said sarcastically.

"Oh yes you are! Its hot here and your hot and Im burning!" I laugh and kiss him.

"Now change" I said laughing.

He got up and change. I lay in his bed and got my phone. I heard the bathroom door open so I pretend to be asleep.

"This girl" I heard Justin said.

I was still pretending to sleep. Then I felt like someone was on top of  me. I opened my eyes and it was Justin our face was like two inch apart. Our eyes meet, my heart starts to beat fast.

"Oh your awake now" Justin said smiling.

"Justin! Y/N! Lets eat!" I heard Teacher Hong said.

Justin got up and I smiled at him.

"Justin?" I asked him.

"Hmm?" He said smiling.

I run to him and hit him.

"Ouch. What was that for?!" He said.

"For answering 'Hmm'" I said.

"What do you want me to call you then? Baby?" He said smirking.

He look at me and I kiss him.

"Then I take that as a Yes" He asked laughing.

"I love you for making my heart flutter" I said smiling.

He hug me and we eat. After eating Justin talks to Tatang and Teacher Hong and the others. I want to hear it but I think its wrong so I decided to play on my phone.

Maybe they're planning something. Nope. Theyre not. But what if they are. Stop. Stop thinking about that lets just watch kdrama.

"Y/N? You and the SB19 will have a collaboration" Tatang said smiling.

"Okay When?" I asked Tatang.

"Tomorrow and The theme is white. Teacher Hongganda will help you choose your outfit" Tatang said smiling.

"Yes Tatang"I said smiling at him.

Chapter 34? Done! Hope you guys enjoy it! Thank you guys for reading this story. Im sorry if this Chapter is short.

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