Chapter 2 Noticed!

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I saw SB19 uploaded on IG and look who it is. It's Justin De Dios! He's my bias on SB19. So I decided to comment.

Liked by keunsnsn and 1,590 othersofficialsb19 [#sb19justin] Hoooooooooo d

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Liked by keunsnsn and 1,590 others
officialsb19 [#sb19justin] Hoooooooooo d.

Y/IG/N I love you jah! I'm a huge fan take rest and also the other members!❤️

After that I get my earphones and play Alab. Then my phone vibrated so I click the Instagram and look! Jutsin noticed me! He replied!

Y/IG/N I love you jah! I'm a huge fan take rest and also the other members!❤️
officialsb19 @Y/IG/N [sb19justin] aww thank you, ikaw din 😊

I started jumping, screaming I didn't even noticed that my older sister was filming me. She was laughing and guess what she's doing a live on Instagram! And if you're wondering Yes she's an influencer, she got thousands of followers. So  she's popular and I'm just an ordinary girl with hundreds of followers. I started running at her and trying to turn it off.

"COMEBACK HERE!" I shouted.
"No I won't! HAHAHAH!" She shouted back.

I got tired and go to my room and slammed the door. No no no no no no I'm so embarrassed now. What if my school mates laugh at me. Oh I forgot we're on vacation now. But what if Justin, SB19 saw it.

Yoyoyo! So I tried to update this story and sorry again if its so short and hope yall liked it don't forget to vote and share this to your friends and co-A'tin. Stan SB19!

Instagram ||  Justin De Dios x Reader || SB19 ✅Where stories live. Discover now