Chapter 32 The Film

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"Y/N!!! The Film of SB19 is live now on YouTube!" My sister shouted.

I try going back to sleep but Shaina rushed to my room.

"Y/N! The Thai girl is kissing Justin!" Shiana said screaming.

"WHAT!? LET ME SEE!" I run downstairs and watch.

The 'Thai girl' was about to kiss Justin I can feel my anger. But Justin push her.

"Im sorry. We're over. You just want me to buy you things" Justin said.

"But I like you! Love you!" The girl said.

"Like me because of my money. And you dont love me. You love Stell!" Justin said and left the girl.

"THATS FOR TREATING A HANDSOME CUTE PURE JUSTIN!" I scream and I look at Teacher Hongganda. They were laughing and... They were filming me.

"Why are you filming????" I said slowly and walking slowly to my sister.

"Ooops! I send it to your baby Justin" My sister said and they started laughing.

I heard my phone rings. I run upstairs and get the phone. Its Justin I guess he already saw the video.

(Btw its Video call, now back to the story!)

"H-hey?" I said nervously.

"Hey Baby! I really love your reaction" Justin said laughing and I heard the other laughing.

"This is so embarrassing" I said and turned red.

"Dont be embarrassed. Its cute" Justin said smiling.

I smiled at him.

"By the way have you already eat?" Justin asked worried.

"Oh not yet."I said.

"Dont worry Y/N! If we saw each other again me and Sejun will cook for you!" Stell shouted.

"Make sure its delicious!" I said laughing.

"You should eat first. What do you want to eat? Egg, hotdog, pizza or Me" Justin said smirking.

"Hmmm I think I like the last one" I said giggling.

"Ooooh Wild!" Josh said laughing.

"Hahaha just were just kidding!" I said laughing.

"But if you want to eat me go ahead" Justin said laughing and the others started laughing very hard.

"Haha. Now Im really gonna eat. I'll call you later!" I said laughing.

"Okay okay eat well and cant wait to see you!" Justin said and kiss the camera.

"How dare you to kiss another!" I yell and laugh.

"Hahaha now eat I dont want to see you hungry. Bye! I love you! Please take care tomorrow and always" Justin said smiling.

"You too! I love you too! tomorrow were gonna see each other again! Love you!" I said and hung up.

I smiled and rolled in my bed.

"Dang! I thought it was recording!" I heard my sister at my door.

"Haha better luck next time!" I said laughing.

"Foods here! Lets eat! And we need to get ready for tomorrow!" Teacher Hongganda said smiling.

"Yes!" I said smiling.

I hope tomorrow will be a safe trip. I cant wait to see Justin and surely I will miss D. O. And the others.

Tootooot! Im sorry its late update. Im practicing drawing and its very very hard :3 So yeah! Hope you guys have a nice trip tomorrow 😊

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