Chapter 4 Teased

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"What?! No! I just saw that many A'tin mentioned me!" I said back with a little scream.

"Eyyyy!" They teased again and messed my hair.

"Then why are your face is so red?" Josh tickled me.

I Did'nt even noticed that my face is red.

Sejun POV

I looked and said to his ear. So we stalked her. And we we're so shocked because she has a nice voice.

"I mean stalk her look she's pretty and talented she has a nice voice" I said.

Stell POV

Im amazed at Y/N shes talented.
"and good at dancing too stalk her!" I said.

Justin POV

"Wow. Now you two are convincing me to stalk her" I clapped my hands with a poker face.

Then Ken took my phone. I dont know what is he doing but then I see hes typing and he commented on the video. Using my account!

        "@Y/IG/N So this is the feeling of an A'tin getting replied from us😆"

"Why did you do that ChicKen?!" I asked loudly with an angry tone.

"cuz why not HAHAHA" Ken replied and the others laughed.

"Oooh look who is getting red like a strawberry?! " Stell teased again.

"Okay Okay stop now! Yall guys want hotdog? and also we will be practicing on our new song" Sejun said.

Now I feel relieved thanks to Sejun.


I woke up because my sister is screaming at me and saying that open my instagram so I get my phone and look! I my followers increase and then my sister snatched my phone.

I knew it! Justin will saw this video and look its viral! I dont know what to do because Justin commented on my sisiters video of me getting crazy and he even mentioned me. I laughed at Justin's comment

        "@Y/IG/N So this is the feeling of an A'tin getting replied from us😆"

"Oh my Gosh is this real?!" I scream while smiling.

"It is! Thanks to me!" She said flipping her hair. I just laughed at her.

"and also thanks to me because your getting popular"She said winking. Again I laughed at her.

I replied at Justin who mentioned me.
Jahdedios @Y/IG/N So this is the feeling of an A'tin getting replied from us😆
      @Jahdedios oh my gosh! This is so embarrassing 😭

I got up and do my routine and all I do all day is smile like crazy, eat, watch SB19 videos and stalk them in Instagram and Twitter.

But my phone keeps on vibrating because of you know many co-A'tin mentioned me that im so lucky. And I dont mind it.

Heres the chapter 4 hope yall liked it dont doget to vote and share it with your friends. STAN SB19!

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