Chapter 35 Shopping

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"Lets go!" Teacher Hongganda said.

"Wait right now?" I said.

"Yes! Tomorrow is the collaboration" Teacher Hong said and I nodded.

Me, Teacher Hong, Shaina and my sister got into the mall.

"Look! How about this?" Shaina said.

"Its pretty but I think its too long? What do you guys think?" My sister said

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"Its pretty but I think its too long? What do you guys think?" My sister said.
"I think so too" Teacher Hongganda said.

"Oh? Is it? Then lets find another" Shaina said smiling.

After 1 minute my sister walks to us.

"How about this one?" She said waving the white dress.

"How about this one?" She said waving the white dress

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"Wow its pretty" I said smiling.

"But I think something is missing" I said.

"Agree" Teacher Hongganda said and Shaina was nodding in agreement.

"How about this one?" We look at Teacher Hongganda and it was pretty, beautiful.

We all smile at each other and find my size.

"Try it" My sister said and I try it.

"What do you guys think?" I asked them

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"What do you guys think?" I asked them.

"Its- pretty!" They all said smiling. I smiled back at them. Then we buy the dress.

"Next! Shoes!" My sister said.

We all laugh after 3 minutes we found a beautiful shoes.

We all laugh after 3 minutes we found a beautiful shoes

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"This is the one!" I said smiling and they nodded.

"Well were finally done. Lets eat Im hungry" Teacher Hongganda said smiling.

"Agree lets go" Shiana said.

While we were eating I asked them.

"Do you guys notice? I think this shopping was different than the one we do before" I said laughing. Then they laugh back at me.

"You think so too?" Shaina said.

"I think theres nothing different" Teacher Hongganda said and my sister also think.

After eating we got back at the hotel.

"Im so exhausted" I whisper.

I see Justin and hug him. He hug me back.

"Baby. Let me help you" Justin said I look at him curious.

"Help with what?" I asked him.

He smiled.

"Help you change your clothes" Justin said whisper in my ears.

"Oh yeah. I can change my self. I dont need your help" I said raising an eyebrow. He laugh.

While I took off my clothes and changing into my pajamas I asked Justin.

"Enjoying the view?" I said laughing.

"Oh baby I am" He said smirking.

"Pervert" I said and lay beside him.

"I love you!" I said smiling. He kiss me and we cuddle.

Witwiw! Heres Chapter 35! I love you guys so much. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter. 

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