Chapter 23 Explanations

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It was 6am and I already hear my sister shouting calling me.

"Didnt you hear me?" My sister opened my room.

"Uggghhh" I said and got up.

"Come with me" She said smirking.

I saw Justin and our eyes meet. I just froze. Why is he here and he also bring Shaina and The other girl who looks like a legit fashion designer.

"Uhh I like your pajamas" Stell said smiling.

"What are you all doing  here?!" I said with an angry voice.

"Yo stay calm" My sister said.

"Please Y/N let Justin explain" Shaina said.

"Theres nothing to explain"I said.

I saw Shaina getting uncomfortable.

"Y/N! Listen to him!" My sister shouted.

I sat down.

"Okay. This is Lilly. She's a model and a fashion designer. I was talking to her because I want to asked if what dress would be look good for you. And I was also talking to Shaina because since she's your bestfriend since you two were little I asked her what color do you like and what style" Justin said. And I just looked at them not believing.

"Its true look heres my ID" The other girl said named Lilly showing her ID.

"I-Im sorry" I said looking down.

"And can I ask you something" Ken said. I looked at him.

I saw Justin was glaring at him.

"Yeah" I said.

"Who was the guy you held hands with at your fan meet and at the bathroom?" Ken said.

"How did you know? Aha! Stalker!" I point at Ken.

"Justin told us" Sejun said.

"He got really angry but hurt and jealous at the same time" Josh said.

"Oh dont be his Matt his my  classmate in high school and dont worry his gay he already has a boyfriend" I said looking at Justin.

"Okay now you two are good its time to tell Tatang that your gonna ask my little sister on a date a-" My sister started jumping but cutt off by Shaina.

I winded my eyes and looked at everyone they were all looking at my sister glaring.

"Oh my gosh did she just?" Stell and josh said.

Justin POV

I cant believe her sister almost tell everything! And thanks to Shaina who cutt her off. I face palm and looked at Y/N who looks like waiting for an answer.

"Okay since were here. I bought the dress I made here it is. Im sorry Justin for not saying and I have to go" Lilly said.

"Do you like it?" I asked Y/N.

"Yes!! Its so pretty!" Y/N said.

"Im gonna come here tomorrow 7pm to pick you up" I said smiling.


"Yeah sure" I said smiling.

Sejun phone starts ringing.

"Its Tatang" Sejun said and answered the phone.

"Okay okay we will" Sejun said.

"Tatang said we will be having a photo shoot with Y/N" Sejun said.

"When?" Stell asked.

"Tomorrow 8am" Sejun said.

"Okay okay" We all said.

"Shaina stay here lets have a sleep over" I said and she nodded.

"Hey how about us?" Sb19 said.

"Sorry Girls Only maybe next time" Shaina said.


The others got into the car. I grabbed Justin's hands.

"T-thank you for understanding me and for this and im sorry" I said hugging him.

"Thank you also for forgiving me" He said and hug back.

"Hey! We're waiting" Sejun said.

"Oh yeah right! Sorry! Bye Y/N!" Justin said running through his members and waving his hands.

"JUSTIN!!!" I screamed.

He looked at me with a big smile on his face.

"I LOVE YOU!!" I screamed again.

I LOVE YOU TOO!!!" He screamed back. Then got into the car.

"Hey Shaina? Wanna watch SB19 vlogs?" I looked at her smirking.

"Yes please! I miss that" She said smiling.

Chapter 23 ckeck! What do yall think will happen on your date with Justin? ^o^

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