Chapter 6 New Trainee

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Tatang Robin POV

Me and Hongganda were talking. It is about Y/N and Justin. We don't know how the rumours happened.

"It is normal that Justin mentioned Y/N at Instagram right?" I asked Hongganda.

"Yes it is. But how come that it has rumours" She was starting to get curious.

Hongganda POV
I started to think if what is the possibilities how the rumours blew up.

"What do we do? " Tatang Robin said.

"Aha! Lets stalk her first in instagram" I suggest and he nodded.

I got my phone and stalk Y/N and me and Tatang Robin was shocked because Y/N has 7k followers. And most of them are A'tin. I think.

"She's kinda pretty" I said and Tatang Robin nodded again.

We saw a lot of videos and it was Y/N singing and covering SB19 songs and many. We were so amazed at Y/N.

"Wow Good Singer" Tatang Robin said amazed at Y/N.

"So what do we do?" I looked at Tatang Robin.

"Let's invite her to be a trainee" He said smiling and I smiled back and nodded.

Tatang Robin POV
We were walking towards the practice room were SB19 are. And Hongganda started to talk and now its my time to talk.

"Good day boys uh today we would like to tell that we will be having a trainee" I said smiling.

"Who is it?" They all asked.

"It's a surprise and please treat the new trainee nice" Hongganda said happily.

"Is it a girl or boy?" Justin asked.

"We dont know" Me and Hongganda said.

"Are we gonna meet the new trainee now?" Josh asked.

"Not now but you sure will" Hongganda said.

"Okay no more questions and back to your practice, thank you" I said.

Stell POV
"I wonder if its a Boy" I said.

"But what if its a Girl?" Sejun said.

"Maybe! Because ate Hongganda said that treat the trainee nice" Josh said.

Me, Josh and Sejun looked at Ken and Justin who was telling jokes at each other. Then we back at practicing.

Hongganda POV
When we got at the office I quickly asked Tatang Robin. And by the way we Already told to the other staff and they were excited.

"We didn't contact her yet to be our trainee" I asked.

"But now we will" He said.

"Hi! Y/N!" Tatang Robin greeted Y/N.

"Hello? Who's this?" I heard a girl said in the phone.

"Its Tatang Robin"Tatang Robin said. And I also heard in the phone the music of SB19 Alab.

Woah haha! So heres the new chapter and Hope yall liked it. Stan SB19!

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