Chapter 26 Goodbyes

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"Y/N lets go" Tatang said. Now were at an interview about me and Justin. The drama happened yesterday gets viral.

"Good day Y/N and Justin"
The Host greet us.

"Good day too" I said and smile.

"So about yesterday. Many says that you two broke up. What happen?" The host asked us.

"Well actually its the girl fault. She just came to me and ask me if she could seat. Its really uncomfortable because she kept asking me. Try uh I think seduce me. I was ignoring her then she tries to kiss me" Justin said and I was looking at him.

"How is your relationship?" The host asked again.

"Oh were still together haha" I smile and the audience smile and scream.

"How? How do you believe in Justin?" The host asked me.

"Oh he has proof" I said smiling looking at Justin.

"Can we hear it?" The host asked us and we just noded and played the voice record. While listening the other started getting crazy and smiling.

"Did I just hear shes your wife" The host said and the audience started screaming. I got really red and Justin was smiling.

"Soon she will" Justin said smiling I look at him and hit his arms and the audience and the host screams.

"Okay now. Lets do fast talk. Are you two ready?" The host asked us.

"Yes" We both said.

"Alright, first, Chocolate or ice cream?"

"Ice cream" We both said and smile at each other.

"Do you two kiss on first date?"

I look at Justin and he smile. Then the audience screams.

"Yes. But on cheek" I said. Then the scream gets louder. Which means I got more red and so Justin.

"Ooooh next Lights on, lights off"

"Lights off" We both said and look at each other smiling and the  audience screams again.

"Waaah okay, Work or Love"

"Love!" We both said.

"Okay thats all for today and thank you Justin and Justin's soon to be wife and thank you also for coming here. Goodbye everyone" The host said.

Justin POV

I hug Y/N and kiss her. Were at the back stage. Then I saw Sb19, Tatang, Teacher Hongganda, Y/N sister and Shaina. I talked to them.

"We have an announcement"Tatang said.

"Yeah what is it?" Y/N said.

"Were going to Korea! Tomorrow!" Shaina said.

"And your going to perform there!" Teacher Hongganda said.

"Wait really?!" Y/N said with excitement.

"And Sb19 were going to Thailand. You guys were gonna perform there" Tatang said.

I look at Y/N her smile fade.

"What? When? " Y/N said.

"Later. Im sorry if its suddenly" Tatang said. Y/N started crying.

"Please dont cry, Were gonna babysit Justin" Stell and Sejun said then Y/N laugh.


"Uh B. Do you wanna go out?" I asked him. Im gonna spend my whole day with him. I sure will really really miss him. We cant see each other for like 1 month.

"Awww yes baby" Justin said. I turned red because that was the first time calling me baby.

"Aww you like being called baby. Then I'll call you baby from now on" Justin said smirking.

After eating Justin got a message from Ken saying that they have to go. We arrived at the airport.

"Justin. Your not gonna find another woman right?" I sad looking at him crying.

"Of course why would I. Your the only one I love" Justin said and kiss me.

"Please be careful there" Teacher Hongganda said.

"And please take care in Korea" Tatang said and they all go.

Shaina POV

I hug Y/N and so Teacher Hongganda. Then we go to a hotel. And of course we already pack our things earlier so tomorrow we can enjoy our last day here in Philippines.

"Im gonna eat ice cream" Y/N said.

Now Im with Teacher Hong and Y/N sister. When Y/Ngo out. We all smile at each other and laugh. We got our phone incase Y/N come inside.


I was suppose to asked them if they want some. But I heard them laughing. Somethings fishy.

"Why are you guys laughing" I asked. They all said that theyre watching a funny video. Well I guess Im just being suspicious. Anyway I miss Justin already.

Anyways heres the Chapter 26 I really dont know what to call this Chapter so I decided to call it Goodbyes. Im really sorry if something tragic happen. And thank you so much for 5k readers wohooo~

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