Chapter 20 Beach Day 2

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I woke up and me and Justin were still hugging. I looked at his face. His so handsome while sleeping. I smiled and kissed him in the cheek.

I got up but Justin pulled me close to him and now Im on top of him. I turned red.

"Can you do it on the other side?" Justin said smiling.

"Heh-" I got cut off because he kissed my nose and hugged me.

"You know. I do not want to lose you. I love you. Your so precious to me" Justin said smiling.

"Corny" I said and giggle.

"I love you too" I said and smiled.

Justin POV

I laughed when Y/N said that Its corny.

"By the way lets go! I smell the BBQ and I know it was Josh cooking and Stell" I said.

"Yeah, Im kinda hungry and the others are already there" Y/N said.

We got up and changed our clothes. I saw them outside talking while smiling. I looked at Y/N who was happily eating.

"Hey. Can I talk to you?" Y/N sister said.

"Yeah sure" I said.

"Protect her always and dont ever let her go by herself. If you need help just call me, call us" She said. She really is a nice, kind sister.

"Yes I will" I said smiling.

"Hurry up! Seat right next to her and make her safe! Shaina is walking towards us. I can feel it" Y/N sister said and she was right.


I saw my sister and Justin talking. They look so happy. I saw Shaina walking towards them. Then Justin walks towards me and seat beside me.

"Its fine everythings gonna be fine" Justin said and hold my hand. I flashed a cute smile.

I saw Shaina walking away with an anger. I laughed and I offered Justin a BBQ.

"Good morning everyone!" Teacher Hongganda and Tatang greet us.

"Since many of people know us. We decided to perform something for them" Teacher Hong said and Tatang.

"Yeah!" We all said and started jumping.

Teacher Hongganda POV

"This will look good to you!" I said and Y/N thanked me.

They started performing and everyone was smiling, singing along. But I spotted someone whos glaeing at Y/N while performing. Its Shaina.

After performing Y/N was about to thank them.

"I hope you guys like our performance and I want to tell  someone that all we've been through, even though we fight. You will always be my Bestfriend" Y/N said looking at Shaina who was looking down.

"Great Job everyone!" I said.

"Y/N you did great" Justin said smiling. These two were really sweet.


"Thank you and we all did great!" I said smiling.

I really want to talk with Shaina. I know that she's not like that. I still believe that we can still fix this. I decided to talk to Shaina.

"Shaina? Can we talk?" I asked Shaina.

"What?" She said.

"Shaina. I know your not this kind of person. In the pats you were so kind. I know we can still fix this. Remember when we always eat together at school? Remem-" I got cut off by Shaina.

"Past is past" Shaina said and walked away. I hear she sobbing.

Justin POV

"How is it?" I asked Y/N.

"She just said past is past and I heard her sobbing" Y/N said.

"Dont worry sis I'll help you fix your relationship with Shaina" Y/N sister said.

She stands up and go outside.

"Hope she dont get hurt" Y/N said and we all nodded.

"Hey guys lets eat!" Josh said.

"Josh. Your always hungry since you woke up you always said lets eat" Y/N said.


"No,uh" Josh said and rolled his eyes.

I smack his shoulder and laugh.

"Im so full" I said and burp.

"Oops sorry" I giggle.

"Hahah-burp" Josh said and laugh.

I laugh and look at Tatang.

"Tatang Robin you have ketchup on your clothes" I said.

"Heres tissue" Stell hand him a tissue.

"Im goona go to my room" I said and stand up.

I got into my room and so Justin. I flopped into my bed and I saw Justin sitting and doing his drawing.


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"B. Aren't you gonna sleep with me?" I removed his headphones and do a puppy eyes.

He didnt answered. I wonder why. After 2 minutes I realised that he got jealous.

"Ohh your jealous of Josh" I said.

"Im not" He said still not looking at me.

"Yes you are dont get jealous were friends and I love you your the one I like" I said hugging him and kiss his cheek. He doesn't even care.

"Okay. Goodnight Im gonna sleep" I said with sad face.

I covered my face and starts crying. I feel someone lay beside me. Its Justin.

"No don't cry" Justin said removing the blanket in my face.

"I-I thought y-your mad at m-me" I said sobbing.

"No. Why would I and I meant it I got jealous but pls dont cry" Justin said and kissed my forehead while hugging me.

"Lets sleep" I said and hugged him back.

Justin POV

She's so softie. I really love her. I dont want her getting near to other boy.

Oooh~ your Justin is getting Jealous because of Josh Hahaha. Hope y'all liked this chapter.

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