Chapter 36 Unforgettable Collaboration

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"Baby" I heard Justin. I woke up and look at him.

"We need to get ready. The others are waiting" Justin said and I nodded.

I got up and hug him.

"I love you" I said back hugging him.

"I love you too" He said and kiss my forehead.

"Now get ready" Justin said.

I take a bath and change into my dress. I look at Justin he was smiling.

"You look beautiful" Justin said smiling.

"And you look very very Handsome" I said smiling.

He back hug me and I kiss him.

"Guys lets go" We heard Tatang said.

We're at the car and I was very bored so I hug Justin. I fell asleep.

"Y/N? Baby? Wake up" Justin said.

I pretend sleeping.

I feel someone kiss me. I opened my eyes and I saw Justin smiling.

"Now your awake lets go" Justin said smiling.

We are now at the stage and the audience is singing along with us.

"WE LOVE YOU Y/N AND SB19!!" We heard a girl scream.

I looked amazed because she's voice was so loud.

"Woah. That was a loud voice" I said giggling.

Then after a few minutes the SB19 were promoting their new song.

"And also Justin wants to ask someone" Stell said smiling.

"Yes. I want to ask someone very special" Justin said smiling and hold my hands. The crowd was screaming.

"Y/N. I love you from the bottom of my heart and I dont wanna lose you" Justin kneels and get from his pocket.

I started crying. I hear the crowd was screaming.

"Will you be mine forever? Will you be my wife? W-will you marry me?"

I burst into tears.

"YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!" The audience was shouting in chorus.

"Do you have to ask that?" I said crying and smiling at the same time.

Then its raining confetti. We hug each other and kiss.

 We hug each other and kiss

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Justin POV

I am so happy right now. After our performance we celebrate.

"Congrats Dre!" Ken and Josh said.

"Heres the food" Stell and Sejun said. Yep they cook the food.

"Y/N? You keep smiling. And you two are so lucky" Shaina said. I just smile back at her.

I look at Justin and he was looking at me.

After eating me and Justin watch a movie.

"You know Justin? I didn't expect that" I said smiling at him.

"I was nervous when you cried" He said smiling.

I hug him.

"I really love you" He said and kiss me.

So yeah... I hope you still like this story even though uhh. I mean hindi naman kasi ako talaga ganon kagaling gumawa ng story .(di ko na kinaya nagtagalog na ako ) But thank you for reading. And thank you for 10k reads and 500 votes❤️

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