Chapter 10 Attacked

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So its been a month since were practicing but now its our free day so we just stayed at home. Im so bored,my sister is at work, and suddenly my phone vibrated someone dm me on Instagram.

Hey you! Dont steal Justin! His mine! Not yours!

Woah take it easy. I just laughed. When I became more close to SB19 I got more haters and it doesn't even matter because many people supports me.

Why are you laughing at!? Do you want me to go inside your house?

I froze and didn't move. Is this unknown stalking me. I ran to my room and dm who was online and it was our group chat with SB19. They add me on their group.

Guys! Im scared someone dm me and its stalking me. Its here around my house. Pls help me.

Okay okay calm down were on our way.

Stay at your room and dont get out.

Were almost there


Then me getting paranoid I hear the door opened .

Where are you!?
Found yah.

I quickly put my hands on my mouth. Then when I looked at the window I saw a creepy girl smiling holding a phone and a stick. I shout very loud I tried to took a picture of her but she broke the window then throw me the stick. Then I heard my door opened and I tried to open the door then I was about to land on the floor but someone catch me.


We knocked at Y/N room and we saw her with a blood on her head so we quickly drove her to the nearest hospital. And I took her phone.

Justin POV

The doctor said that she has a cut on her head and everythings gonna be fine.

"Heres her phone" Ken handed me her phone.

"Let me hold it"Sejun said.

"Sejun try to open her phone so we get the one who did these to her" Stell said.

"It has password" Sejun said.

"Let me" Josh said and he opened it.

We clicked the instagram and saw who dm her. Then we clicked the images. I saw a lot of pictures and most of it was my picture. They looked at me and tickled me. Then I clicked the one picture its blury it was a picture of her room with a girl? Holding a stick and phone?

"I think thats the girl who dm Y/N" I said.

Sejun POV

We messaged Tatang Robin and Teacher Hongganda about what happened and while we were waiting for their replies we saw Y/N fingers move.

Heres Chapter 10 and hope y'all liked it dont forget to vote. STAN SB19!

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