Chapter 7 Inviting Me

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I was listening to SB19 music Alab. But my phone rang so I turn the volume down and answered the phone.

"Hi! Y/N!" The caller greeted like we were close.

"Hello? Who's this?" I asked.

"It's Tatang Robin" The caller said.

"Wait what? Really?" I began to jump.

"Yes it is! Hahaha" I heard the laughing.

"Hi Y/N!" I heard another voice and I think its ate Hongganda.

"Hello ate Hongganda!" I greet back happily.

"Woah you already knew it was me Hahaha" She said laughing.

"So we called you because we want you to become trainee here. We saw the videos of you covering SB19 songs and others and it was amazing" Tatang Robin said.

"And dont worry we already knew the rumours and we dont care Hahaha" Ate Hongganda said.

Im so shocked I dont know what to reply. THEY'RE INVITING ME TO BECOME A TRAINEE!

"Hello? Y/N?" ate Hongganda said.

"Huh wait? Is this real?" I asked.

"Yes it is! And you can't say no because we already told at the staff and SB19" Tatang Robin said.

"Wait what?" I asked shocked.

"Yes we did. So you dont want to become of our family?" ate Hongganda said.

"NO! I Would love to!" I reaplied back happily.

"Okay thank you and tomorrow you will get here at 8am" Tatang Robin said.

"Yes sir!" I said cheerfully.

I announced this to my family and lucky me they agreed and now I need to find my outfit and my sister will be helping me.

Heres the Chapter 7 and hope yall likef it and font forget to share it with your friends! Stan SB19!

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