Chapter 31 With D.O. Of EXO

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I need to wear something pretty but simple. Hmmmm... How about this one? No. Too simple. Hmmm.

"Found it! This should do it" I said smiling.

"Y/N! D

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"Y/N! D. O. Is here!" I heard them calling me.

"Coming!" I walk to them.

"You guys please take care of yourselves and let us watch the cover" Teacher Hongganda said smiling.

"Yes we will" I Said.

"Lets go" D. O. Said.

After 30 minutes were finally here at recording studio.

"Lets start?" D. O. Said smiling.

"Sure! So what song?" I asked him.

"How about 'eight' im sure you know that" D. O. Said smiling.

"Of course I know that!" I said while giggling.

While in the middle of cover D. O. Stopped.

"I forgot if your feeling uncomfortable heres a small blanket" D. O. Said smiling.

"Thanks" I said smiling and cover my legs with the blanket.

Then we record again. After minutes were done.

"Finally were done! Do you want to eat something?" D. O. Asked me and I just nodded.

"How about we order japchae?" D. O. Said.

"Sure!" I replied and we started chatting.

"So how are you and Justin?" D. O. Suddenly asked.

"Oh were good. I wonder what is he doing right now" I said.

"Oh food is here!" D. O. Call me and we got the food at the door.

"This is delicious" I said smiling and D. O. Just nodded.

After eating we got our cellphone and theres so many tagging us and said that me and Justin broke up and now Im dating D. O.

"Uhhh this is crazy!" I said.

"Oh no Justin is calling me" I said and D. O. Nodded.

"Hey Justin" I said.

"Hey. Are you two dating?" Justin said straight.

"No. I told you were doing a cover" I said.

"Oh right Im sorry Haha" Justin said laughing.

"Were just gonna do a live and said that were doing a music cover" I said.

"Okay. Oh Tatang needs us please be careful there and said Hi to D. O." Justin said and hung up.

"Lets do live?" D. O. Said and I nodded.

Now were just waiting to have viewers. I read the comments and it was crazy! Now D. O. Started talking.

"You guys were doing a music cover" I said.

"Yeah and please dont do that again Y/N and Justin were happily together" D. O. Said.

"By the way! Later we will upload the music cover and the song we covered was 'eight' by IU ft. Yoongi" I said smiling.

"Bye guys. Hope this answers the questions and just to make it clear were not dating" D. O. Said.

"Bye!" I said and D. O. Emd the live.

"I think you should go home"D. O. Said and I nodded.

After minutes and now Im here at our condo.

"Bye D. O. Thanks" I said.

"Yep bye" D. O. Said and go.

"Hey how was it? Oh forgot I already know what happened" Shaina said laughing.

I flopped on my bed and open my phone.

"Guys! D. O. Uploaded our cover! Hope you watch it!" I said shouting because Im too tired.

I video call Justin and look he answered!

"How is it? Baby" Justin said smiling and I smile and blushed.

"I miss you so much" I said and my smile fade away.

"I miss you too and dont worry 2 days more and we will see each other" Justin said smiling.

"It is! I forgot hahaha" I said laughing.

"You should rest you look so tired" Justin said.

"Aww thank you thats why I love you" I said smiling.

"I love you too Baby" Justin said smiling.

"How am I supposed to sleep if you keep calling me Baby? It makes me blush you know" I said giggling.

"Oh yeah right Im sorry haha" Justin said Smiling.

"Alright goddbye B" I said smiling.

"Goodbye Baby sweet dreams" Justin said and hung up.

That boy. I said don't call me baby. I laugh and sleep.

Yiieeeee. Baby. Hmmmm. Anyways heres the Chapter 31 and I heard your voice! You were really a great singer!.

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