Chapter 14 Mission Success

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Justin:So you like me huh ^^

Y/IG/N:I dont know how to react. Im so embarrassed >~<

Justin:Dont be. I just want to ask you

Y/IG/N:What is it?

Im getting nervous.

Justin:Well uhm wanna watch movie tomorrow night?

I turned red and smiled.

Y/IG/N:Just the two of us?

Justin:Uhmm yeah like date? If you don't want to its okay.

Y/IG/N:I would love to!

Justin:Nice nice well got to go. Ima eat haha.

I giggled. I forgot that Teacher Hongganda was here.

"Is it Justin? What did he say?" Teacher Hongganda asked excited.

"Y-yes. He asked m-me to watch movie tomorrow" I smiled.

"YES!" Teacher Hongganda jumped. Im confused.

"What?" I asked.

Teacher Hongganda POV

Y/N asked me confused.

"Well you see I have a mission"

I see a message from Tatang Robin.

Tatang Robin:
Since Y/N is staying with you. I will give you a mission. You need to make Y/N and Justin like each other and date. Okay?

Teacher Hongganda:
Yes I will.

(End of Flashback)

"Ohh so you this was the mission" Y/N laughed.

"Yes. Congratulations to me haha" I laughed.

"Wait! Im gonna help you to pick your clothes tomorrow!" I said.

"Sure why not!" She smiled.

Justin POV

I bravely asked Y/N out. I dont want to waste any time and look she said yes! I started jumping.

"You okay?" Ken asked me.

"Yeahyeah" I answered.

"Then why are you jumping?" Josh asked me.

"Uhh I asked Y/N to watch movie tomorrow and she said yes!" I said smiling.

"Woah Goodluck haha" Sejun laughed.

"I knew it haha" Stell laughed.

"Tatang Robin gave Teacher Hongganda a mission. I helped her"Stell said.

"Well congratulations hahaha and thats why you took a video of me watching Y/N" I laughed. Im so excited.

"We gonna help you picked your clothes tomorrow" Sejun said.

"Yeah yeah sure" Im still smiling.

Im sorry for the late update. Hope yall liked it.

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