Chapter 19 Beach Day 1

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"Ahh" I closed my eyes while laying down in the sand.

"Hey Y/N! Do you want something to eat?" Teacher Hongganda asked me.

"Yes please!" I smiled and my eyes are still closed.

Me and Teacher Hong came here early.

"Hello Y/N and Teacher Hongganda!" Its a familiar voice. And its SB19 and Tatang.

I opened my eyes and someone was in front of me. My face turned red. Its Justin. He's smiling. Our face is 2inch apart.

"Oooh~" The other said. Teasing us.

"What a cute photo!" Stell and Josh said.

"Is there Hotdog?" I hear Sejun.

While me and Justin were still looking at each others eyes.

"Y-you look so pretty" Justin said smirking.

"T-thanks and you look handsome " I said smiling.

"and hot" I whisper to myself.

"I heard that" Justin said smiling.

"H-heh!? You did?!" I asked with shy voice.

"I do haha" He said. He looks so handsome. I can smell he's perfume I can also feel that my face is red like a tomato.

"Come Lets eat!" Justin grabbed my hand.

"OWw~!" The girl said.

Justin bumped into a girl. I feel Justin let go of my hand Justin is on top of the girl.

Justin POV

"Hey are you okay? Im so sorry" I said to the girl I got bumped into.

"Yes Yes Im fine. Btw Im Shaina. Im a big fan of yours can we take a picture?" Shaina said doing a puppy eye. I got really uncomfortable.

"Y-yes sure" I said uncomfortable but I tried to smile.

I get more uncomfortable when she pressed her body close to mine.

"Thank you Justin! See you around!" Shaina said with a big smile.

I looked beside me and Y/N was gone.


I looked at the girl and it was the girl on the store who has an attitude. And it was.. Shaina. I heard everything she said. I saw everything. I got really angry but hurt at the same time.

I run, tears were falling in my cheek. Then I bumped into someone.

"Y/N you okay? Why are you crying? And why are you wet?" Sejun said.

"I-Im fine" I tried to smile but I can't.

"Your not fine. Tell me please" Sejun said.

"Okay but I also want Teacher Hongganda to know about this" I said and we got to the room where she was.

Its so dark.

"SURPRISE!" They said cheerfully and popped the party popper.

They froze when they saw me crying. I look around them and I saw my sister. My sister is here! I burst into tears.

"What happened? Tell us! Who is it? Why are you wet!?" They asked me non stop.

I couldn't handle this anymore I told what happened.


Before I bumped into Sejun. While I was running trying to get away. Someone grabbed me, it was 3girls. They were wearing all black and I cant see their face.

"LET GO!" I said trying to let go. But they just laughed and started drowning me. They just stopped when Shaina come.

"You better stay away from Justin! Or else!" Shaina said pointing at me.

"Or else what!" I said breathing heavily.

She slapped me and kick me. Then they go.

"Remember this. I wont fight you back because your still my Bestfriend" I said.

°end of flashback°

Justin POV

"Y/N?! Y/N!?" I tried to find her but I cant. Its been 1 hour so I decided to go to our room.

"Y/N! I was worried! Who did this to you? Im sorry. Im sorry. I-I didnt noticed that it was Shaina" I said hugging her and tears were falling on our cheeks.

"I-Its fine h-ha-ha" She tried to laugh and smile.

"Its not. Its all my fault" I said.


"Okay everyone. We need to protect Y/N and Justin. And also we need to stop Shaina" Tatang said. They all nodded.

"Y/N I can sleep with you" Justin said.

"Heyheyhey! I have trust on you! Dont do anything to her but protect her" My sister pointed at Justin and they all laughed.

Now were here at my room and Justin locked the door to make sure that no one will get in.

"Y/N? Im so sorry. I m sorry. I should've been more careful" Justin said. And hugged me.

I hugged him back. I feel safe in his arms.

"Its fine. I love you Justin" I said for the first time.

"I love you too" Justin said and kissed my forehead.

Chapter 19 done! Congratulations you just got a forehead kiss by Justin De Dios! <3  and thank you so much for 2.k reads! <3

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