Chapter 5 Rumours?

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Josh POV

I was walking towards to our practice room but I heard two people are talking so I peeked and it was Tatang Robin and ate Hongganda.

I heard that they were talking about Y/N the girl that get viral and I also heard that there were rumours about her and Justin. So I run at the other members. I gotta tell them what I heard.

Sejun POV
We saw Josh at the door and looks like out of breath.

"Yo Dre what happened?" Ken asked.

"Yeah?" Justin asked.

"I-I he-heard Tatang Ro-robin and ate Hongganda" Josh said catching his breath.

"What do you heard tell us" I said. Im starting to get nervous.

Justin POV
"Wait heres water and take a breath Dre" Stell said handing a water of bottle.

"So what do you hear?" I asked.

"I heard Tatang Robin and ate Hongganda talking about Y/N. There were rumours about you and her" Josh said.

"Wait what?!" I asked nervously.

"Wait what what what? It's normal that Justin mentioned her"Our leader said defending me I guess. Ken nod.

"I mean guys look when we stalk her, I saw that she has followers like 998, which I think many of her followers are also A'tin. And now look she has 2k followers"Stell said.

While Im here getting paranoid. But then we heard someone knocked in the door. We all said come in. And look its Tatang Robin and ate Hongganda. I even started to get scared because he might scold me/us.

"Good day SB19! Ah Tatang Robin wants to talk about something and I want you all to listen" ate Hongganda said.

"Yes we will" we all said. And Im here getting more and more scared.

Hey yo so heres the update! What do you  think will Tatang Robin say? Once again share this with your friends and dont forget to vote! Stan SB19!

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