Chapter 25 Theme park

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"Do you want ice cream? Vanilla?" I asked Justin.

"Yes please" Justin said smiling. Such a baby haha.

"All right stay here okay?" Before I go Justin kiss my forehead.

Today were at theme park and lucky us some of the people dont recognise us.

Justin POV

"Hi. Can I seat here?" A girl said standing in front of me.

"Oh uh yeah sure" I said.

"Are you waiting for someone?" The girl said. I didn't answer.

"Oh yeah right. Im Megan" She said.

"Okay" I said not looking at her.

I get my phone and take a picture of Y/N who was buying some ice cream. Then I record our conversation. Megan didn't see it because shes looking at Y/N

"Oh is that your sister?" She said.

"Shes my wife" I said.

"Oh really. Theres no news that SB19 Justin De Dios was married to that ugly girl" She laugh.

"You know you can be with me. Im talented, hot and rich" She bite her lips and kiss me.


I walk towards to Justin then I saw a girl kissing him.

"Hey Y/N! Where are the others?" Tatamg and Teacher Hong asked me.

"WHAT THE!" Justin push the girl hard and got up.

"What you didn't like it? Why do you like your ugly girlfriend!" The girl said.

"First of all Im she's not my girlfriend shes my"

I dropped the ice cream I was holding. And run as fast as I could and to get away from this place.

"Y/N! Wait!" Teacher Hong shouted.

Justin POV

I quickly look at Y/N who was running and Teacher Hong chased her. While Tatang talked to the girl who kiss me.

"Justin help Teachee Hong to find Y/N" Tatang said.

I quickly run. I cant find her. Theres so many people. I tried to think where she was I know she would definitely go to a quiet place.

I run through the parking lot and there I saw her crying. I walk towards her and seat beside her.

"Y/N" I heard Justin said.

"G-go away I dont w-want to see you" I said and push him.

"Its not my fault the girl approached and try to kiss me" Justin said and giving me a tissue. Im still not looking at him and of course I didnt take the tissue.

"Yeah right. How am I suppose to believe you. And you said Im not your Girlfriend" I said and move away with him.

"Please hear me out" Justin said getting his phone in his pocket.

He played a voice record. Its the conversation of Justin and the girl. I listened and look at him.

"See" He said looking at his phone sadly.

"I-Im sorrry I should listen to you" I said crying loud.

"Im also sorry for hurting you" Justin said.

We go back inside and we talk to the girl that name was Megan. Shaina started shouting at her and I calm her down.

"Please dont do that again. It really hurt me" I sadi looking at Megan.

"Im sorry. Im really sorry I promise I wont do it again.

Sorry for the late update. Do you guys want me to ruin your relationship with Justin? 😆
Im just kidding I wont do that. Im a good author. Lol

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