Chapter 30 Justin & Sorocha

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Its been a week here in Korea. Me and D.O. Become a really good friends like his now my best frind! but I didnt get an answer from Justin. I started worrying.

"Guys. Its been a week and Justin is not messaging me back nor call me"I said looking at Teacher Hong, my sister and Shaina.

"They might be very very busy" Teacher Hongganda said and Shaina just nodded.

"Lets watch" My sister said and turned on the tv. Before she turned on the tv I look at my phone.

"Guys Guys Guys! Theres a Live! Interview with SB19!" I shouted and they all seat beside me.

"Hi SB19! How does it feel that your having a short love film with Sarocha Burin. Specially you Justin and Sarocha Burin since you two were the partners here?" The host ask.

"Thats why hes not messaging me back" I said wiping my tears.

"Please dont cry" Teacher Hongganda said.

"We got ya! After that Interview we'll call him right away" My sister and Shain said.

Justin POV

I cant believe that were going to have a short love film here in Thailand. My phone vibrated and it was Y/N sister. I said it to others and put it on loud speaker.

"HEY JUSTIN! WHY DID YOU NOT TELL THAT YOU AND THE OTHERS WERE FILMING A SHORT FIL ABOUT LOVE? AND THAT SAROCHA BURIN- Please you two calm down" Teacher Hongganda said. I looked at the others that was shocked.

"We didnt expect it tho" I said.

"Y/N sent you a lot of messages and called you many times" Y/N sister said.

"I-I didn't know. Were so busy here. I even started worrying about Y/N. Can I talk to her?" I asked them.

"Dont worry about herD. O. Was always beside Y/N they really became close friends that many others thought they were dating" Shaina said.

"Wait D.O.?"I asked them.

"Yeah! D.O. From EXO and tomorrow theyre doing a cover" Shaina said.

"Shaina, can I talk to her? Please. The film about love was not what you guys are thinking about. In the film Sarocha and I like weve been together like a year. Then he met a guy better than me then she left me." I said explaining. I cant believe that I told everything.


"What do you want" I answered.

"Hey Y/N I've miss you so much!" I can tell that hes smiling.

"I miss you too. But please next time try to tell it to me okay? It hurt me a lot" I said with sad voice.

"I will and Im really sorry. Hope yall guys dont tell to anybody what I said about the film" Justin said.

"We wont haha" we said laughing.

"Umm baby can I become friends with D. O. Too? Haha" Justin ask and I smile because he call me again baby. I can see that Teacher Hong, my sister and Shaina were teasing me.

"Of course you can. I've been telling him about you haha" I said and I heard Justin laugh.

"Oh Justin I got to go Im going to eat Im very hungry" I said.

"Bye! Please say hi to D. O. I love you" Justin said.

"I love you too" I said and cut the call.

Now were going to watch a movie and eat!

Aww. I might not update tomorrow. Maybe Friday Im not sure yet. And thank you so much for reading my story I really really appreciate it❤️

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