Chapter 16 Whats Happening

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"No. please! NO! STOP! Please. Im begging!" Someone was drowning me.

"Y/N wake up! Y/N wake up!" Teacher Hongganda was shaking me.

I open my eyes and I was crying and its kinda hot. Im sweating really bad

"Are you okay?" Teacher Hongganda asked me.

"Yes. Just a nightmare."I answered shortly.

"Look at this" Teacher Hongganda showed me her phone and it was a photo of me and Justin. I also saw the hate comments. I started crying. Teacher Hongganda was trying to cheer me up.

I get my phone and theres so many messages from the fans. Some of them were positive messages.
I called Justin and he answered.

"Justin?" I said.

"Dont worry its okay. We can do this. And get ready because you have a performance later" Justin said.

"Okay" I shortly said.

"Are you okay? You kinda sound like you just cried" Justin asked.

"Yes yes Im fine. I got to go I need to get ready" I said.

"Okay Goodluck" Justin said.

I got up and charge my phone then take a bath. Im not feeling well.

"Heres your outfit!" Teacher Hongganda showing my outfit.

"Oh my this is so pretty!" I smiled

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"Oh my this is so pretty!" I smiled.

"Dont forgot the shoes haha" Teacher Hongganda laughed so am I.

I smiled and wear the shoes

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I smiled and wear the shoes. I looked at the mirror and I couldn't believe that I am now what I've dreamed of.

"You look so pretty" Teachers Hongganda smiled.

"Thank you! And your pretty too!" I said and I tried to smile.

"Lets Go! Tatang said that its starting and the SB19 were waiting"

We got to the car and drive to the SM mega mall. Yep SM mega mall me amd the SB19 have a collaboration.

I got inside and there were so many fans screaming SB19. And also my fans haha. I smiled at them and we start performing.

After performing Justin handed me a bottle of water and I heard the crowd screaming and saying my name and Justin. We just smiled at each other.

SB19 is now thanking to the fans who come and now its my turn to speak.

"First of all thank you for coming and thank you for supporting SB19 and m-"

Im so tired my body was starting to burn and Im sweating really bad. Then I feel so dizzy and I cant see anything all I see is black.

Justin POV

I quickly carry Y/N and we take her to the clinic. We dont know what was happening to her. The staff is taking care of the fans.

"She's fine. She just need some rest"

I looked at her face. Her face was so pale. I grabbed her hands and crying.

"Whats happening to her" Tatang said.

"Maybe because of your date" Stell said.

"When I was about to wake her up she was crying and talking" Teacher Hongganda said.

"What is she saying?" I asked.

"No. No stop leave us alone please im begging. Thats all I remembered she also said that its just a nightmare" Teacher Hongganda said.

"I also saw her phone while she was taking a bath. She got many messages from the other fan and some of them were death threats" Teacher Hongganda started to cry.


I tried to open my eyes and all I see was light. I moved my hands and looked around me.

"Are you okay? What do you feel?" Josh asked me.

"Im fine now" I answered trying to smile.

"Y/N next time tell us if you have a problem and also the messages you get. Dont worry about it." Justin said who looked like cried.

"Yes I will and Im sorry everyone" I said wiping my tears.  

So heres Chapter 16! Hope y'all like it even though this chapter was you know haha. Btw ctto to the pics. Hehe

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