Chapter 18 Getting Ready!

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Right now me and Teacher Hong are doing a shopping. Yep we're getting ready tomorrow! Because tomorrow is Friday!

"Lets go Y/N!" Teacher Hongganda called me.

"Coming!" I run to her car and she drives.

"Lets listen to music!" Teacher Hong said smiling.

"Yeah sure! What song do you want me to play?" I asked her smiling.

"You decide" She giggled.

"All right then" I laughed and play Alab by SB19 ofc. We laug  and started singing.

After a enjoying the songs were here at our destination.

"Im so excited!" I smiled at Teacher Hongganda.

"Me too" She smiled back.

"Look! Its Y/N and Teacher Hongganda!" We heard one girl. We smiled at her.

"Hello! Can we take a picture?" They asked.

"Sure! Why not!" Teacher Hongganda said and we smiled.

"Thank you!" The girls said.

We started walking and one clothes caught my eye.

"Look at this Teacher Hongganda this one looks so beautiful!" I said.

"Look at this Teacher Hongganda this one looks so beautiful!" I said

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"If you want it we can buy it" She smiled at me.

I was about to get the clothes but someone get it.

"Oops! Sorry I got it first" I cant see her face clearly because she's wearing a hat and a glasses.

"Hey! dont you know who she is?" One girl said.

"Uhh duhh of course I know her. She's Y/N. Bye loser" She rolled her eyes again.

"Wow shes mean" Teacher Hongganda said.

"I know right. What an attitude" I said.

"What am I gonna wear now" I asked Teacher Hong.

"Oh! Look at that one! Its so pretty!" Teacher Hongganda points at the one swimwear.

"Woah it is pretty!" I said smiling

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"Woah it is pretty!" I said smiling.

"Well what do you think?" She asked me.

"Lets buy that one on the right! Its so pretty! D-do you think Justin will like it? " I asked Teacher Hong I can feel my face turned red.

"ooooooh of course he is!" Teacher Hongganda said.

"But what about you?" I asked her.

"Dont worry I already buy one" She said smiling.

"Then let's go!" I said.

Teacher Hongganda POV

We got into my car and Im happy. I haven't seen Y/N this happy. While I was driving Y/N talked.

"I miss my sister. I wish she's with us" She looked and smiled but her smile fade away quickly.

"Dont worry you will meet her soon" I smiled at her.

"Oh we're already here" I said.

"Yep lets go! We still need to pack our things for tomorrow!" Y/N said while clapping her hands like a kid. I just smiled at her.


"Hey do you have sunblock?" Teacher Hongganda asked me.

"Yep I do" I said.

"Okayokay I'll continue packing my things" Teacher Hongganda said smiling.

I heard my phone ring I got it and it was Justin. I answered the phone.

"Hey B. Miss me already?" I giggled.

"Yes I do. Btw are you ready for tomorrow?" Justin asked me.

"Yes! Of course!" I said with excitement.

"Nice! Got to go. I need to pack my things. Take care I love you" Justin said and end the call.

My heart pounds so much. I froze. That was the first time Justin said 'I love you' Did I just misheard it? Nonono. He really said it. I pinch my cheeks and cover my face.

Chapter 18 done! Hope y'all like it and make sure to share it with your co-A'tin! Wuv u guys!

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