Chapter 9 I Think

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Justin POV

I'm dying inside now, Its because im so happy! I dont know why. Im eating pizza smiling and they're all looking at me smirking except Y/N who was busy eating pizza.

"So cute"

They all looked at me again shocked this time Y/N was also looking at me. Now our eyes meet. Btw she's in front of me.

"What?" I asked cuz im so confused.

"You just said something" Ken said smirking.

"What did I said?" Im still confused.

"So cute" Josh said teasingly.

HEH!? I said it? I said it loud?! Nonono. I started to get nervous. They're all smirking at me and teasing me while Y/N continues eating.

"No! What I mean is that the Pizza Box is cute! Look its Pokemon" I said. Lucky me.

"Heh your right, Lets take a picture! Your gonna join Y/N!" Stell said.


Stell said were going to take a picture so I ate the half of my pizza and stand up.

"Wait, you have something on your mouth" Justin said handing me the tissue.

I got red, red as a tomato. I grabbed the tissue and wiped my mouth. I looked at Justin who was smiling.

"What?" I asked smiling.

"Nothing" He smiles.

"Hey love birds! Dont you two remember we have to take a picture" Sejun said and we all started to laugh.

"1 2 3!" we all counted. Justin is beside me and my heart started to fall. Lol.

After taking a picture Tatang Robin shouted.

"Let us Join!" Tatang Robin said with the other staff. Now we all compressed. Now our bodies are touching eachother and my heart started to pounding hard.

"Okay! Ready? 1 2 3"We all counted and smiled.

Josh POV

While we were taking a picture I noticed Justin looking at Y/N smiling. Ima tease him later. I laughed.

We all didn't noticed that it was already 5pm. So we all bid our goodbye.

"Justin likes Y/N I saw you looking at her smiling!" I tickled Justin and he started laughing so hard and also the staff, Tatang Robin, Teacher Hongganda, Ken, Sejun and Stell are laughing hard.


So I waved at them and got to my sisters car and drove back home. This day was so fun. Its the best day ever!

"So what happened?" My sister asked me excited.

Then I told her everything what happened and he saud that Justin likes me and I smiled.

She smiled and tickles me and got back at driving. While Im on my phone Justin, Sejun, Stell, Josh, Ken and Teacher Hongganda followed me back in Instagram.

Justin POV
I think I like Y/N.

Chapter 9 Done! Hahaha Hope you like it and dont forget to share it with your friends. STAN SB19!

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