42. Now Unto Him

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It's me again God,

Growing up, I remember Sunday evening services at my church were a happy, lively time of worship. Hymns were mainly reserved for the morning service and the shorter choruses sung at night. Many of these were songs that came straight from Your Word and therefore allowed me to have Your very words coming out of my mouth and remaining with me for the week ahead. Little did I know that they would remain with me throughout my life, permanently fixed in my memory!

Thank You for the way Your Spirit uses this memorised Scripture to speak to me and highlight certain aspects of Your character. One particular song that is very firmly ingrained in my memory contains the closing words or doxology of Jude. For many years, we sang this at the close of the service and I always found it to be so encouraging!

"Now unto him who is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen."
‭‭Jude‬ ‭1:24-25‬ ‭KJV‬‬

It was so good to remember that in Jesus, I am able to come before You without blame because He has paid the price and taken the punishment for all my sins. Therefore, I am kept from stumbling or falling away from You and can come before You with exceeding joy! Joy is great but exceeding joy sounds so wonderful! Surely to be in Your presence would be the only time such a measure of joy can be experienced!

Acknowledging You as the only wise God is so powerful! Therefore You deserve all the glory, majesty, dominion and power both now and forever! Lord I need to remember this every day so I have confidence that when I pray, I am speaking to the One with the highest authority. You rule and You know what is best for me and You answer my prayers accordingly. I am so thankful for this because so often I want things that are not really the best for me. Thank You for saying 'no' when You have because You want to give me Your best! Thank You again for Your Word to me. I am so blessed to have it! Please keep speaking to me throughout this coming day, using all of the Scripture in song that remains in my memory.

In Jesus' Name,

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