Chapter 4

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Jungkook's pov:

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Jungkook's pov:

Jungkook sat at the cafeteria table surrounded by his friends. The cafeteria was loud as students finally were able to meet up with their friends and talk about the latest news that happened to them or to others.

A yellow haired male patted his back a solemn look on his face. Jungkook's face on the other hand showed irritation. He just finished informing his friends of the bet he had made with his brother. All his friends knew Jungkook wasn't into the male gender and neither was fond of ever trying anything with them.

Hoseok, his yellow haired friend, asked, "Wouldn't this bet be one you want to lose. I mean if he does get someone in bed and likes it he's gay. If he doesn't like it, but still pulled through with it you can still tease him over it. Right?"

The others that heard this remark nodded their heads in agreement. On the other hand, Jungkook shook his head as he glared at the floor, "No, if I tease him over it it means he's got the upper hand since he's 'open minded' or so he says." So far, by the looks of it, there was no way Jungkook was going to be able to get out of this one.

Then as he remembered today's events he smiled, "But I already have my target on lock." Jimin, Jungkook's shortest friends questioned, "You're talking about this morning right? The guy's ass you saved from being humiliated?" Jungkook nodded his head as a reply. The others perked at this leaning their elbows closer intrigued by their fellow friends new found experiment.

Upon taking notice of this both Jungkook and Jimin told them of Jungkook's morning heroic act. They all were impressed, having someone save you life from Mr. Phys meant a lot seeing as no one was ever really all that caring at this school to save a fellow peer in need.

Namjoon a purple haired male and Jungkook's tallest friend said, "So you're stringing along with the dare, huh? Well I can help you out if you want. I've been wanting to experiment myself."

The whole group looked at him in shock at this blunt confession. Namjoon looked at all of their wide eyes, "Yeah, I've seen a couple guys who're attractive, but I've never been sure if I wanted to try anything with them." The others nodded trying to intake this new information.

Truly, Namjoon seemed the last to care to experiment on his sexuality. The guy always had one night stands and hard make out sessions with many girls. Hell check his phone right now and he'll definitely have dozens upon dozens of random female numbers on his contacts list. Jungkook nonetheless was very grateful that his friend was willing to also join in on this bet's horrid journey.

"Thanks Joon." Jungkook finally respoded as he tapped his friends back. After their conversation and Namjoon's confession all boys headed back to their classes. On his way to his class a girl stopped Jungkook giving him a cute pout.

Jungkook looked at her disgusted by her actions. Don't get it wrong the girl was stunning, her skin was fair, her face clear with nice brown curls up to her shoulders. Her make up was light a tad bit of concealer to hide her eye bags, bit of blush, her eyeshadow was a light pink almost inconspicuous, and her lips a tinted light red.

The only thing that was annoying was her actions of being cute. Jungkook wasn't too fond of girls acting less of their age, if he wanted to date a five year old he might as well try to catch a case. "Jungkookie, i was wondering if you could help me out." Oh those sweet words knocked the wind out of him and he no longer felt the need to hate her.

Jungkook wasn't stupid he was always asked this question and it always lead to something he liked. The girl walked forward closing the gap between them she looked up at him giving him puppy eyes; one other thing Jungkook liked was the face of begging although it slightly irritated him that she still acted cute.

With a smirk he pulled the girl closer by her waist getting close to her ear letting his warm breath fan over the sensitive skin of her ear, "Meet me in the boy's bathroom, don't make me wait too long." Jungkook walks away heading to the boy's bathroom he enters the biggest stall.

He waits a good twenty mintues scrolling through social media before a knock is heard at his stall. He peers through the crack and finds the girl he was expecting. He unlocks the door then pulls her in by the waist making sure to lock the door before going any further.

They smile at each other excited to receive pleasurable relief. "Oh Jungkookie~ please be a little more gentle than you are with other girls, ok?" Once again the girl was acting cute, but Jungkook was too needy to be annoyed with her gross actions.

Bleh, you thought I was gonna give you a straight couples sex scene huh!? Hahaha! NEVER!! (Or maybe I'm not sure :p-lazynim

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