Chapter 58

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Jungkook's pov | First:

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Jungkook's pov | First:

The next day I walk into school feeling a little bit drowsy. The night before I was spewing to Yoongi how much I loved Tae and how I wanted Yoongi to make sure that, no matter who it it is, I want Taehyung to be happy. Although after, after the call ended, I'm not so sure I was happy with the thought of losing Tae.

I couldn't sleep right as I stayed up trying to convince myself that he was better off without me. That he seemed happier, although my attention would always try to avoid him. Still no matter how hard I tried to force myself to be happy for him, I couldn't.

For the longest time I haven't felt like this. Trying to force my love off of someone. I promised I wouldn't, yet here I am. Entering school with a black hoodie, messy hair, and dark circles. I head to my locker tossing in the books I'll need for later.

Namjoon and Jin make their way to me, they have their fingers interlocked. By the looks of it things are going well for them. "Sup, Kook! How's it ha-um..." Namjoon tries to greet me cheerily although by my appearance he stops. I smile at him despite my feelings and appearance. I point towards their hands before inputing, "So, fake datings going good?"

Namjoon shakes his head making me confused. He adds, "We're no longer faking." he shrugs nonchalantly while saying it although I know he beaming inside. Jin smiles at me nodding affirming that they are actually a thing now. I smile congratulating them both.

After that Hoseok comes in with Army. They're locking hands too. Army greets us all, a cute little smile on her/his lips. Hoseok is beaming beside her/him. I nods understanding what's going on. I greet Army, "What's up, I' Jungkook, this is Namjoon and this is Jin." The other two greet Army.

The five of us of get along pretty well as we relax waiting for the school bell to ring to signal us to head to class. Finally, Yoongi and Jimin make their way into the school. Unlike the rest they aren't holding hands they're just walking side by side their shoulders grazing.

It's been a while since they've entered school at the same time, so that assures me that they patched things up and are slowly trying to get back together. I'm rooting for you guy. They also greet Army and I silently watch as all my friends cheerfully laugh away their partners beside them making them happier by the second.

Then, before the school bell rings, I catch sight of the angel I've been stuck on. Taehyung makes his way to his locker greeting Jin and Yoongi then the rest before finally looking at me. I get a glimpse of his brown orbs. The sweet color of gingerbread. I feel my heart speed up and it seems as if it's only the two of us.

I'm entranced in his eyes and before I know it, with a gentle smile, he leaves. The moment is gone, yet my heart still races like as if I'm on the verge of cardiac arrest. In such a moment like that I begin to question if I really can get over him. Maybe it was a one time thing, maybe it was an accident, but now I feel like I want to make him mine, officially mine.

"Hey, little guppy!" Kai greets in a booming voice. I sigh remembering that Kai's got his recent attention. The rest of the guys look at Kai, Hoseok pulling Army closer to him. Hoseok has always had this fear of Kai taking away his partners, after all the ones who left him before said he wasn't attractive enough to beat Kai's looks.

Kai waves over ruffling my hair as his way of belittling me. "Kai, can we talk?" Kyungsoo trues to beckon him, but Taehyung is beside Kyungsoo. Kai smiles pulling Taehyung to his side holding him by hair waist. I clench my jaw gritting my teeth. Kyungsoo becomes saddened. With a quick for head kiss Kai waves Taehyung bye.

I roll my eyes at the sight bile build up at the back of my throat. It's not that Taehyung's ugly or anything, but the sight of him being with anyone else but me is actually sickening. Then I remember, it's his happiness over mine. I sigh walking away from the spot that held the scene. I'm just plain out tired.

Ok this was a hella long chapter I'm sorry I'll try to make them smaller I don't want to bore you guys!-lazynim.

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