Chapter 26

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Jungkook's pov:

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Jungkook's pov:

Jungkook was sat at the cafeteria table Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jimin already there. They created light conversation amongst themselves; mainly trying to avoid the awkward aura that fell over them from the fact that Jimin's ex crush on Jungkook was outed.

As they were talking three boys were approaching their table. Jin and Yoongi sat down at the table greeting the others along with Jungkook. Jungkook sipped his milk turning his attention to the boy standing.

When his eyes finally landed on the boy Jungkook nearly spit out his milk. "T-Taehyung!? What are you doing here!?" Jin cleared his throat, "Yoongi and I invited your boyfriend over."

Yoongi got up and slung an arm around Taehyung making the boy sit in between him and Jungkook. Jungkook watched as Yoongi was surprisingly friendly with the boy.

The others introduced themselves to Taehyung all seemingly interested in the shy boy. While the others introduced themselves Jungkook looked around worried people would think differently of him. The loud voice of Namjoon resounded, "You're the guy who I tried to get with!"

Jungkook looked over at a blushing Taehyung. The boy shyly nodded. "Alright, no more trying for him, he's already Jungkook's." Yoongi announces firmly gripping Taehyung's waist to pull him away from the close Hoseok.

Hoseok whined as he was only trying to familiarize himself with the kind boy. Hoseok whined, "I'm not trying to get with him! I already love army!" The table began to tease Hoseok about his crush on army. They were extremely attractive. (Army is the reader ;))

Taehyung laughed beside Jungkook who glanced at the boy. A small smile curved at his lips as he watched the boy give a cute boxy grin. There was a glossy shine to the boy's lips. Artificial cherry. Jungkook thought as he licked over his lips.

For some odd reason Jungkook began to enjoy the flavor of artificial cherry. No matter how hard he tries to forget the kiss with Taehyung that early morning it still doesn't leave. Even now he feels eager to touch lips with the boy.

Instead, Jungkook simply watches as the entire table becomes friendly with Taehyung. They all chat and ask him questions about himself. Yoongi continues to be extremely friendly with Taehyung. He would grab his hands every now and then.

The corner of Jungkook's eyebrow twitched with every touch made towards Taehyung. Keep in mind Taehyung has basorexia and at any moment he could feel the urge to kiss any of his friends.

Jungkook wasn't eager to lose his dare to a simple kiss given to his friends. As he thought about Taehyung's basorexia the last straw was pulled. Yoongi makes hand slipped from Taehyung's shoulders to his waist.

Jungkook pushes Yoongi's hand away and grabs Taehyung pulling the boy to his side. The table is quiet for a while and then the teasing begins. Jungkook doesn't really mind so long as his dare is still his.

Yoongi lifts his hands up in surrender a sly smirk on his lips, "Ok, ok I won't touch your boy." Jungkook smirks back nodding his head. He grips at Taehyung's waist enjoying seeing the red tint the boy has on his ears.

Ok ok it's getting a little serious. Be prepared for a sucky scene in the next chap. Ps. I felt like publishing five so there you go!- lazynim

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