Chapter 19

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Jungkook's pov:

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Jungkook's pov:

A cherry lollipop was set between his lips as he leaned his head back on the wall. Namjoon, his older friend came clambering down the hallway an excited smile on his face. Jungkook raised an eyebrow at his antics on this early afternoon.

Namjoon catches his breath before beaming, "Guess what I just found out. One of our fellow friends is curious about their sexuality, guess who?" Namjoon bounces on the balls of his feet. Jungkook tilts his head a finger laying on his chin.

He responds, "Jimin? Yoongi?definitely gotta be Yoongi." Namjoon shakes his head laughing a little at Jungkook's confession. However, their attention is placed on a pale boy who leisurely walks over to them, "No, I'm definitely gay, Jiminie here too." he slings an arm around his friend's shoulders.

Namjoon and Jungkook are both caught off guard by the sudden remark, but congratulate their friends nonetheless. Sure the other two may not have stated 'we're a couple', but one thing they did know was that their fellow friend, Yoongi was never the touchy and teasing type.

"Seokie, and Jin knew about it first." Jimin declares as he pulls himself away from Yoongi's grasp time cling onto Jungkook. Jungkook hugs Jimin back looking at his friend who quietly seethes as he stands next to Namjoon.

Namjoon declares, "Jin is curious!" The rest of the boys nod their heads taking in the information. Then Yoongi asks, "Why is this such important news again?" With this question out in the air Namjoon replies, "I am going to see if he wants to try anything together. He can use me."

As soon as that was said the declaration of a certain boy was heard, "Hell no. Not with you." Jin crosses his arms over his chest as he glares at Namjoon who meekly scratches the naps of his neck.

The other watchful boy laugh at their fellow friend who was denied before he even got to ask. Jungkook shakes his head as tosses the lollipop's stock out into the dirt. When he looks up he notices a head of blonde hair getting out of a black vehicle which heavily tinted windows.

He dispersed from his friends saying bye to his koala friend as he tries to catch the blonde heads boy. "Taehyung!" Jungkook shouts trying to catch the boy's attention. Taehyung looks up at the name of his voice and immediately dashed past Jungkook.

Jungkook runs after him stepping in front of the boy blocking him from entering school any further. Taehyung looks up a malicious look in his eyes, "Move." His voice is low and demanding. Yet Jungkook doesn't listen as his eyes adjust to dark purple marks left on the boy's neck.

Jungkook scowls as he forcefully grabs Taehyung's chin and pulls his head to the side to get a better look at the bruises. Jungkook angrily asks, "Who the hell did this to you!?" Taehyung flinches at his loud voice.

Jungkook didn't understand why he was angry, maybe it was the fact that his first dare win was slipping from his grasp so easily before he could even try.

By now the entire school had already entered their classes. Not wanting to get caught Jungkook pulls Taehyung by his wrist into the bathroom. Luckily the stalls were empty. A grimace is no Taehyung's face as he stares at the ground. Jungkook asks again this time calmer, "Who did it?"

Taehyung stayed staring down at the ground as he answered, "Hyungwon, Hyungwon did it. Now, p-please leave me alone." For the first time Jungkook took notice of Taehyung's appearance. His eyes were swollen, his face was puffy, his hair was a mess it almost looked like he had spent a whole night crying.

Then Jungkook's eyes looked down at the boy's lips. His face visibly cringed at how beat up his lips were. Pieces of skin were dangling off in certain areas dried blood formed as a scab on his lips. White strips of skin ran across as potential blood filled them.

Instead of getting any angrier Jungkook pulled the boy in for a hug. He pushed the boy's head down on his chest as he carded his fingers through the boy's head. This simple action was enough, enough to break Taehyung of the pent up anger and sadness he was holding back since this morning.

Taehyung bawled in his arms loud screeching cries escaping past his lips as his body shuddered from each heaved out cry. Jungkook held the boy tighter, it's alright, you're ok. He thought as he patted the boy's head.

"Tae, be my boyfriend? I'll treat you much better." Jungkook questioned.

Guy's I don't know how long I'm going to make this book. But I know it's going to be more than thirty chaps, ( ̄▽ ̄)-lazynim.

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